Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts => Script Library => Siege Perilous related => Topic started by: DeadIssue2 on March 02, 2009, 08:34:20 AM
; Script Name: ROT Music Gain for Siege
; Auther: Deadissue
; Version: 1.0
; Shard: OSI Siege
; Date 3/1/2009
; Purpose: Gain music using the ROT skill gain system
; Globals: None
; Special Instructions: Make sure to have an instrument
; in your backpack. Make sure to change the delay to the
; appropriate time for your ROT stage ( 5(300s),8(480s),
; 12(720s), or 15(900s) minutes between max skill gain).
Chooseskill Music
set %temp_skill #Skill
Gosub Play_Music
chooseskill music
if %temp_skill <> #SKILL
set %temp_skill #SKILL
wait 300s ; change this timer per ROT level
if #skill = 750 ;change based on starting skill+max possible gain per day
goto loop:
Sub Play_Music
finditem PRF C_ , #backpackID
IF #findkind = -1
msg Get an Instrument $
Set #lobjectID #FindID
event macro 17 0
wait 2s
Cerveza - code tagged
Cool, I may have to dust off some of my old Siege-friendly scripts. Thanks!
This is just the beginning of this script I still want to add a way to do this while using an alacrity scroll and login in and out as well as a menu to ask if your using an alacrity or not. I need to figure a way to adapt a counter to the way you gain on an alacrity based on ROT, one that does not base on actual gains but of times you gained.
Yeahhhh good script My Siege Blood Brother! HoooORAHHH!