You had chosen the Random Rune travel routine, so I was just following your lead with my example/suggestion. The rune "+ 2" logic meant that you setup 2 runes at each location. It would try the first one, but if blocked, then it would try the second one setup for near the first one in the pair.
That means you need 32 runes for 16 locations (16 locations, 2 runes marked close to each other to avoid being blocked as much).
When you reset the starting rune number, you would swap to the next rune book. If the rune book number exceeds your number of rune books, then you reset it to the first one.
So you could have runebooks named:
and either hard code a value for how many runebooks you have
set %NumberRunebooks 3
or inventory the books in your main backpack in a setup routine, which is well beyond the scope of current application.
Now you would increment the runebook index each time it resets the starting rune number...
Then check if your rune book index exceeds %NumberRunebooks, you reset the runebook index to 1.
That could make a nice reusable routine for future scripting projects.
Now as for having less than 16 runes in a book, there is the very obvious line:
if %RuneLocStart > 16
set %RuneLocStart 1
which would get changed to reflect how many runes you have in your book:
if %RuneLocStart > 7 ; means 7 rune locations in the book...
set %RuneLocStart 1