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Topics - bax

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / G'day
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:00:56 AM »
Hello guys

I go by the name of Bax, i'm 49 years old and have been stuffing around in games for about 30 odd years...much to the disgust of my non-gaming wife. I live in West Oz with my with wife and 2 teenage daughters and enjoy a good red.
I started UO when it was released in 98, mining in minoc and opening trapped lockboxes... Playing from Oz back then was an interesting experience, connected on a 28k modem to US servers was a bit like running around with a bungy cord permanantly attached. I played till about 2004 then left to begin my MMO pilgrimage...WoW, Eve, Lotro, Rift, SWTOR, TESO...and now i'm back where I started at UO, 17 years later  :)
I mainly PvE and craft in UO at this stage, but i'm not adverse to PvP after I get my handle back on UO.
I have always been interested in the scripting side of things, primarily because I'm a lazy bastard at heart and after 15 odd years of grinding in MMO's, automating things a bit is a bloody great idea!.
I did a bit of coding in my younger days on the C64 and made a few simple games, but not much since apart from VBA at work. Now I have a bit of time on my hands I am going to give lua a go.


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