
Ultima Online Fan Board => UO-Related Tutorials => Topic started by: Pirate Roberts on May 10, 2012, 01:23:53 PM

Title: Anyone have a walkthru for soloing shimmering effusion?
Post by: Pirate Roberts on May 10, 2012, 01:23:53 PM
I've read a few posts that someone was about to post it right after they did something, and never got around to it.  Some claim to farm it frequently, so can anyone give me a hint?
Title: Re: Anyone have a walkthru for soloing shimmering effusion?
Post by: manwinc on May 11, 2012, 12:47:26 AM
I've never really played with what the best strategy would be, but from my experience and the changes to the game since the last time I did one, this is how I would probably set it up.

By solo... I assume you mean with at least 2 accounts :P

2 Tamers with Greater Dragons (I'd Stress High Resists over anything else in this fight)

1 - SW Mage Tamer
1 - Disco/Peace Tamer ( Taming, Lore, Magery, Disco, Music, Provo, Med) -- Serious Skill Investment from Gear. MR Very Important

Obviously NO evil characters.

I'd start by Casting your Damage Reduction Buff. Picture Your Greater Dragon Riding an Armored Swampy. Then, get both Greaters on the champ and get it discorded. At this point, you can pretty much just stick to the SW Mage Tamer and just keep your ALT nearby. Your main focus during the fight is to keep his minions your top priority. It only takes a few before the area damage starts to wear your dragons down pretty fast on top of the regular hits. Once he gets low enough, WOD FTW. Swap to your Luck suit right before he dies and BAM, Phat Loot.

IF You Also manage to fit FOCUS onto your Backup Mage. (Lowering magery/taming/lore to minimum values, rocking a mark of the travesty, and a kickass mage book with magery and med). You might be able to run both Buffs, which would grant your main character an extra 9 Mana regen and your pets an extra 9 MR/SR/HPR, keeping them alive and pumping more damage. Honestly I don't think people realize the advantages these buffs have in pvm.......

If you don't have two accounts, but can afford an extra 12-13$ a month, I'd highly suggest investing in another one.
Title: Re: Anyone have a walkthru for soloing shimmering effusion?
Post by: Cerveza on May 11, 2012, 04:25:33 AM
There was a video showing a Japanese player with a wraith form sammy doing it solo. Lots of evasion.
Title: Re: Anyone have a walkthru for soloing shimmering effusion?
Post by: manwinc on May 11, 2012, 07:02:27 PM
Probably before the Evasion Nerf on the timer.

Last time I tried the shimmering on a dexxer, thing hit me like bazooka with an e-bolt for around 60+ damage
Title: Re: Anyone have a walkthru for soloing shimmering effusion?
Post by: teacakes on May 12, 2012, 12:49:39 PM
Before the Hailstorm nerf/fix you could have soloed her with a necro mystic mage casting hailstorms through the walls in the rez area.

I've heard of sampires recently soloing her on the Japanese shards still though, from what I can gather it requires running out to the rez room to regroup a fair bit though.
Title: Re: Anyone have a walkthru for soloing shimmering effusion?
Post by: swroberts on September 04, 2012, 06:42:26 PM
I am going to ignore getting the keys...that is a whole different subject.

Template for 1v1 with shimmering and grizzle

120 Music
120 Discord
120 Spellweaving
120 Mysticism
120 Focus
100 Magery
20 Necro

All 70's suit, 100%LRC, 40%LMC, 15pts Mana Regen
Bleue ring/Braclet Set
Museum of Vesper Chaos Shield

Bloodwood Spirit and Ossrian Grimore (for Necro Bump) in pack

Only Setup is to get a level 6 Focus

Get in there and fire off rising Collossus...
Discord Her...
Rising Collossus...
Rising Collossus...
1 after another...She has fantastic Dispel, but I find she will fight 1 long enough for me to get my mana up.

I tend to die 4-5 times, but with the Alter outside it is no big deal.  She also doesn't go into super heal until well after WOD range.

She will slow as her HP's go down and I just run around the square pavilion thing and as long as you are on the opposite side you are ok.

I have found the need to clear out her errant spawns...get them seperated, discord them, then toss a collossus at them..

When she gets down to WOD level, shift to Wraith form (Grimore and Bloodwood) and spam WOD.  You won't run out of mana, just keep a
collossus on her and she will be dead in no time.

Short and sweet, also works for the grizzle, except you can't die.  He doesn't dispel, so always have a rising cocked and ready to go and you will be fine.

Good Luck.