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Topics - jwolfera

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello from new user
« on: April 21, 2012, 03:26:17 PM »
Hello, my name is Frost, and I have been playing Ultima Online for years.  I played for awhile on OSI but money became tight and pay for play was something that had to go.  I then started hunting around for a good free server to play on and I have played on a few over the years.  UO is something that I cannot ever seem to fully give up. 

In real life I am remote access admin for a network of hospitals.  Working second shift, UO has helped pass the time, mostly because playing over RDP is very laggy  :D.  I am a pretty simple guy and that is why I play UO.  It is something that I pick up and play for days, weeks or months have a great time and then do something else for awhile. 

Thanks for reading this and I look forward to sharing. 

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