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Messages - Thangos

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Yeah I knew him IRL through a mutual friend. Haven't talked to him in a long long time. He lives not to far from me. Man hard to believe how long it has been since those days.

General UO Chat - Freeshard edition / Re: UO Freedom
« on: August 11, 2013, 10:45:44 PM »
I have been playing here quite a while. I love this place. A whole lot of good peeps here. Course every shard has a few bad apples. Yeah the afk macroing is a blessing from my POV. Most of the upper enchalant have been here a long time. So mining roughs, fishing/crab scripts has helped me catch up. Plus there was a wave of IDOC's I hit and with my script I cleaned house (so to speak) and made some mad cash.

I haven't had any issues with Staff. My understanding there was some bad apples there too that DX put the ban stick to. I have played other shards. I made so many friends in just the first week I couldn't imagine leaving. All this is my opinion though. Everyone has their own taste when it comes to shards. This one is kind of hard starting out but once you get the hang of it. It is an easier ride. I help out new players and most are welcomed and some take them under their wing. We had a wave of noob hey give me this I need help wave. Even after giving away millions to new toons and never see them again, I ask more questions and feel them out a little more before handing out freebies.

All in all I have played quite a few freeshards. Most I quit after a month. A few I played on for longer and never met anyone worth hanging out with. Maybe it was the luck of the draw of just being the right place right time. I like to think it is cause of the playerbase here is awesome you just have to overlook some of the rival PVP guild drama. Yet I have seen that on all shards that have PVP. I have played trammie servers. I think it adds some color and entertainment.

I did but I mostly hung out at Trinsic area.

LOL feeling pretty noobish. I did my first Champ Spawn last night Rikktor. I am so confused with people talking about Sampire and WitherDrac etc... I watched a guy solo a whole spawn in probably less that 10 minutes. I was like WTH? SO I had to talk to him. All he used was an axe and whirlwind. Sad when you played the game as long as I did and having to learn so much all over again.

So now feebly attempting my first fight/attack script. No healing yet just basic targeting while I manually heal.

Other than that pretty good for only 3 hours of sleep LOL!

Thanx for the responses. Masscre did you play on LS? I am sure it is a kind of common name, sounds good as a UO toon. I hung out in Skarae Brae North of Bank and near stables. I was in F*U guild.

Did you know Poe? He was big into PVP. I think he hung out more in Fel Trini.

New member introductions / Re: Another Returning Vet! :)
« on: August 05, 2013, 06:45:00 AM »
Yeah playing UO wasn't the same after friends quit. Had one die in a car crash, another to cancer, and one committed suicide after loosing a custody battle. UO was more than a game it was a complete social network. I seen a lot of tears of pain and joy in UO. I guess a lot of people don't realize that.

Are you playing OSI or FreeShards? There are some good T2A FS out there. I missed the old supremely accurate/silver/vanquishing weapons. I found a server using old publish. I just hate aving to build skills again. I don't want to slave over a game I had already spent years trying to get good at LOL. I am lazy I guess.

UO is just one of those games that I can't seem to get away from.

LOL feeling pretty noobish. I did my first Champ Spawn last night Rikktor. I am so confused with people talking about Sampire and WitherDrac etc... I watched a guy solo a whole spawn in probably less that 10 minutes. I was like WTH? SO I had to talk to him. All he used was an axe and whirlwind. Sad when you played the game as long as I did and having to learn so much all over again.

So now feebly attempting my first fight/attack script. No healing yet just basic targeting while I manually heal.

Other than that pretty good for only 3 hours of sleep LOL!

Thanx for the responses. Masscre did you play on LS? I am sure it is a kind of common name, sounds good as a UO toon. I hung out in Skarae Brae North of Bank and near stables. I was in F*U guild.

Off Topic / Re: Losing my man card
« on: August 04, 2013, 10:26:10 PM »
Don't feel bad. I had tesituclar cancer in 99. Lost one of the jewels. Wifey keeps it in a jar on the nighstand and rings it like a bell when she wants something.  :'(

Off Topic / Re: Rebuild my PC
« on: August 04, 2013, 10:23:28 PM »
It is easy to replace the capicitors. Usually the ones on the power rails fail first. Just look for leaking and caps with the tops bulged. Usually I just replace all of the main ones on power rail. Usually 20-30 bucks to fix.

Hi everyone,

I started in 98 I quit UO in 04. I played Great Mistakes as Buck, Wulfgar, Cheeba, and Wild Willie. I also played mostly at the end on Lake Supeiror as Thangos, Evil Elvis, and Drizzt. I had 5th charaters but rarely played them and do not even remember their names. I was an OLD Ultima player from the early versions Ultima 1-7. Yeah the old monochrome era. I remember being so geeked when I finally got at Apple IIe 640k with color. I even played the NES versions. Yet not as nearly as stoked the first time I logged into UO back in Oct 98. I saw the game release and put off buying it. I was mezmorized from the logon movie till my feet hit the ground in Brit. It was a total addiction. Yet came Trammie land, nerfed skills, tamers, bards, mages, and a dead ghost town of Felucca.

As I held out I saw my friends leave. It wasn't long before the co-operation and unity UO once was, it soon became a came of soloist. It was like the magic that was UO was gone. It became a game of greed and banksitters wearing their prized posessions. After selling my accounts on ebay I never looked back at OSI. I played a few Freeshards until my kids came along. Then I had to hang up my Wizard's Hat for many years.

Now I am playing again still on Freeshards. I do not know if I can say which one on here. Luckily you have all skills so no need to grind. So many changes and skills it is like I am having to learn all over. I have enjoyed reading and looking up scripts on here. I have lurked for a month before posting. I am trying to learn a bit about making my own scripts. I found this place while searching UO scripts.

So far i have just made a IDOC loot script and a crab potting script that work awesome but still working out some bugs. Not many IDOCs here to practice on. Mine just prioritizes loot I know I want and when it falls it automatically starts running towards those items and picking them up and placing in bag. SO I miss some ground loot but I get the main rares that I have targeted. I would really like to make a GUI so I could just click and target instead of finding the ID and having to write the code in to target a specific item. Kinda takes a while but staring at an IDOC for 16 hours gives me plenty LOL.

Look forward to learning and sharing.


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