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Messages - ETRADOR

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Scripts make me happy...
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:22:11 PM »
Awsome !!  I think I'll start in you're library section. Thanks man, Cheers!

New member introductions / Scripts make me happy...
« on: April 01, 2010, 03:53:44 PM »
 So, im sort of a junkie for scripts. I have been playing UO for 8+ years. I started on free shards and moved into OSI  after the frustration of having the plugged pulled on my hard work over and over. Shortly after starting on Pacific, I was complaining to a friend about having to train mining/smithing for the umptienth time. He mentioned to me I should check out a site called easyuo... and then it began...   
 Once I got the hang of dowloading and running scripts, I was training skills just to train skills. Watching scripts run was like magic. I would have 3 accounts scripting simotaniously, I was in love, and still to this day I can sit infront of my PC and just watch a script do its work for hours. Sometimes it's more fun for me than actually playing the game. After a while I got real curious about how they worked, and started screwing with them. Trying to make them go faster and faster, mabey do this other thing after that line of code, then run this sub instead of that one, and splicing togeather several scripts to get a desired result. Although I never properly learned to write my own script, I have managed to understand most lines of code and enjoy reading scripts and watching them work.
 So today i am on my way to that easyuo place... and its been hacked. can't get in...   ???  so franticly and scared I start asking people in vent if they know whats going on or what to do...  and my friend said " relax,  take a breath, it's probably an april fool's day prank..  but mabey it's not, go to SUO and check it out." And here I am checking this out, I looked at the scripts section and saw it was devided by author, made me excited to look over/run code and decide who I like best..   sorry dude, my wife is off limits  ;)

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