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Messages - Pyargy

Pages: 1 [2]
Scripting Chat / Scan Journal or watch Backpack?
« on: February 11, 2010, 10:30:31 AM »
I have read through the scripting tutorials on this site and want to try and write my first script.  I am sure its something really easy but mind you, I am an OLD dog trying to learn new tricks.

Based on Cerveza's tutorial here is what I have so far.

Step 1 is listing out what I want to do- 

I want to play a wav file each time I get one of the special items from the smugglers edge.

Step 2 is to start defining what needs to happen-

-Scan journal for "you succesfully steal a special item from this creature" OR watch backpack for item type to drop in.  (Here is my main question for now, which of these is most efficient and if watching backpack is the best choice can someone please point me in the direction to look at so I can learn about that? I have already read Twinkle McNugget's scan journal tutorial and if that is the best way to go I will have more question on that as well.)

-Sound wav file when condition above it met.

Ok I know this is something that most of you are saying this is just way to easy and a waste of your time, but hey you all had to start somewhere and this is my start. So any advice and or help in the most lamens terms is very much appreciated.

I never used the Hort script until just recently,  I always used House Plant Tending by Kyer over on EasyUO.  I would run without moving the mouse and was fairly quick. however I was not able to get it to function with all the latest patches so I have switched to Hort2.

My point is, maybe there is some ideas in the House Plant Tending script that can help with watering and tending to plants for this new script.

Scripting Chat / Re: Item ID or Item Type
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:11:59 PM »
just use C2's er... dammit  nm....

I think I might be already   ???...... :-X

Scripting Chat / Re: Item ID or Item Type
« on: February 09, 2010, 09:01:53 AM »
Thanks Cervaza and Toptwo, now the light is getting a little brighter  :)

Very easy with the CLAw.  Just enter "GFZ" in the FINDTYPE: in the UI.  No code editing necessary, the UI handles user-defined FINDTYPE.

I will give it a try TrailMyx as I really am tired of trying to bring life back to a very old looter.

But hey, dont take my advice and use the claw.  It sucks.  Seriously.

Nothing personal Twinkle McNugget, the CLAw just looked a tad bit over my head, but now that I have a better understanding of what to type into the UI, I will be giving it a go.

Scripting Chat / Re: Item ID or Item Type
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:36:37 AM »
I saw the Claw Script and it looked a bit over my head.  I could not tell if it had been updated to loot the SA ingredients and if not was not sure how I would add them in with the UI.  After reading the posts about it being mind bending code I thought it would be best if I stuck to what I sort of know.

So back to the subject of Item ID and Item Type,  If I am trying to steal a specific item, lets say its the Gargish Luck Totem Item ID- XYSCCRD Item Type- GFZ. I would use the Item ID correct?

Scripting Chat / Item ID or Item Type
« on: February 08, 2010, 08:02:53 PM »
Trying to add in some new items to a very outdated looting script.  Could someone please let me know if I should be adding in the Item ID or the Item Type?

Thank you

General UO Chat / Re: Imbuing
« on: February 06, 2010, 05:22:33 PM »
You can simply make the item with Dull Copper ingots instead of running the risk of breaking the item trying to enhance it.  Unless there is some reason that somebody knows why you would not want to do it that way now.

Taking a bard to Travisty is a bad deal as she is a changling and use your bard skills against you.  I have only farmed getting the two keys off the of each side.  Some else in our party has always used Tamer/spellweaver to get third key.  I guess once you are in the room needed for key its not bad but getting to that room is hard from what I understand.

Killing Travisty is just time consuming, although just about time for her to die she spawns Ninja's in the room and it gets really crazy.  Best approach i have seen is that two melee fighter take all ninja spawn and back themselves into a corner.  Cross healing and disarming as you go.  This leaves the tamers free to keep working on Travisty.

Player vs. Monster / Re: Crazy Template Idea
« on: January 30, 2010, 12:24:01 PM »
Always been a bit confused with mage weapons.  Could you explain your comments on why I would want or need to run with a mage weapon if I already have 120 fencing. I do plan on running with an imbued Kryss with Spell Channeling.

Player vs. Monster / Re: Crazy Template Idea
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:44:20 AM »
Interesting points, but I already have a mage 115 and poison 100 and when monsters walk through poison feilds they are "Wracked in Extream Pain" which I thought was DP but maybe I am wrong on that.  But when I just cast poison onto the monster this does not always happen.

I already imbued my suit with 12 Mana Regen in hopes that I would need Med. Might have to do some minor tweaking when it closer to being finished but for right now this character did great against the lizardmen. I will have to see when I move up to Ettins and Earth Ele's

Found a poisoning script that does a fish steak and since it was last updated in 2005 I had to go through it and comment out some odd sub routine that was trying to open the characters profile to check for account age in order to determin total skill points.  The sub would break when it was actually opening up the new character abilities section of the Paperdoll.  It's also very I mean very slow but seems to be working somewhat now. Although it does use magery to cure me, for some reason it does not heal me but instead just pauses the script waiting for my health to fully recover. I havn't looked into why that is yet.

I down loaded what I think is the latest version of ScriptUO in hopes it might help me work on my first script.  I was able to determin what code I needed to scan the journal however not entirly sure yet how to start the script (as in HTML you generaly start with <Title> then <Head> and <Body> ECT or how to tell it to play my sound byte when the condition is met from the scanning of the journal.

Player vs. Monster / Crazy Template Idea
« on: January 29, 2010, 09:19:23 PM »

Well I do own two houses in Fel if that counts.

General UO Chat / Re: UO Auto Map Replacement?
« on: January 26, 2010, 08:21:49 AM »
Yes UOCartographer works well.   Here is the link

General UO Chat / Re: Medusa Strategy...
« on: January 26, 2010, 08:19:43 AM »
We take a small group in with a couple of archers a good necro/mage and a sampire.  Sampire gets on Medusa right off the get go and the rest of group deals with the statues comming to life.  Once room is all clear the rest of the group comes to Medusa.  We have had good luck using Repon slayers with fire damage.  Necro keeps her Corp skinned and flame strikes her.   Takes about 5 minutes.

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