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Messages - anarchyPenguin

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Re: Putting a spin on it...
« on: November 06, 2009, 09:34:32 AM »
LoL, exactly why I don't think i ever want to get involved in politics.

Scripting Chat / Re: Miner w/ Fire Beetle Support
« on: November 02, 2009, 06:33:35 PM »
One of the reasons I was planning on recalling off the books is for speed. It takes time to turn the page and select a rune, it takes seconds less to recall off a book. Seconds can mean life or death :) It will be a while before this script is released as this will be my first, but when I do release it it will be very customizable!

Scripting Chat / Re: Two clients running seperate scripts?
« on: November 02, 2009, 05:05:16 AM »
I got it working already, I just wasn't paying attention to what I was doing.

Scripting Chat / Miner w/ Fire Beetle Support
« on: October 31, 2009, 11:59:32 PM »
Ok, after browsing around for a script that I like, I just can't seem to find one so here's my goal for creating a script.

Support For:
Fire Beetle
Taking Damage > Mount and Recall Out
When Full > Unload

1 Runebook with House in first slot, The rest are mining locations
1 Runebook with ALL mining locations
Fire Beetle
Magery=Enough to cast recall OR Chiv=Enough skill to cast Sacred Journey
100% LRC Suit or a ton of tithings.
A secure reachable from your House rune with a bag in it for Ingots.
A Buttload of shovels or pickaxes in your secure (Not in bag)

Note about the runes: It is definitely better you mark your runes where you can reach 4 tiles while standing in one spot.

The basic flow would be as follows:
Start at house, mounted on Fire Beetle
Start Script
Select Runebook with House Rune
Select Runebook with Extra Mining Locations
Select Secure Container
Select Ore Bag within secure
---Script runs form here out no interaction required---
Open Runebook 1 and set Rune2 as Default
Recall to Default
Open Runebook 1 and set Rune1 as Default(There's a reason for this)
Mine around the miner, trying to hit all tiles.
When CurrentWeight = 500
Select Ore Pile
Smelt Ore Pile
Repeat Until all Ore Smelted
Continue Mining
Mining spots Empty?
Go to Rune3
Mark Rune1 As Default
Recall On Runebook1 (Back to House)
Mark Rune3 as bad for duration of script
Unload ore in secure while here
Go to Rune4
Go back to House and unload
Return to Rune4

You get the basic process and the features I was looking for. Yes this script will run great unattended, but I highly recommend you sit at your keyboard at least while it's running. Over the period of the next couple weeks I plan to start writing this script. If you have any suggestions, please let me know as i will consider putting them in. The initial release version will be very basic, but here's some things I'm thinking of adding in also:

Giant Beetle Support
Tinkering Support

General UO Chat / Re: Iron Beetle
« on: October 28, 2009, 08:01:32 AM »
Ok the Iron Beetle spawns in the Goblin Caves in the far back by a bunch of wolf spiders and they're used in a quest also from what I read. Here is some gathered information on them.

On Publish 61 they stated that "Iron Beetles will no longer require Animal Taming to control. (SA Still a requirement though.)"
I tested this in game with a beetle tamed just after SA came out, before this publish. Could not transfer to a miner with 0 taming. Contacted a GM about it, and after re paging them 3 times to get them to really read my question, they said it was put in for further investigation. I did submit it on the bug page.

We tried feeding the Beetle Ores, but to no avail. We get the message "There is no container to put that in.". He will however eat meat.

I read somewhere that a guy did some research on his beetle in the following manner.
After beetle ate Ore 4 - 5 times, used Animal Lore to check Barding Difficulty. Barding Difficulty raised by .1 theorizing that these animals have an actual mining skill.

We have tried telling the beetle to "Drop" what it has, but it drops nothing even after it spits out ore.

Context menu on the beetle can be set just like any mining utility. Ore, Gems, Granite, You get the picture. BUT I have not seen a beetle that can actually mine anything besides Ore and I know that the rest of them were "disabled" in beta. My theory is that if you can mind Granite, then your beetle can mine Granite.

The beetles DO bond.

The beetles DO spawn different colors, which leads to the question as to why? My partner did notice that the colors of the beetles followed the colors of the ores. Could this have something to do with better stats?

Someone stated somewhere that the devs said that Iron Beetles weren't quite ready before the launch of SA so maybe they'll be fixed in an upcoming Publish.

If you have any information please help us out and post. Theories? Post them too! Your own research? Post it!

General UO Chat / Iron Beetle
« on: October 27, 2009, 08:49:11 PM »
Does anyone have any solid information on the "a iron beetle" a friend of mine tamed one just after SA release and here's what we can and can't do with it.

Since Publish 61, he still cannot transfer it to me and it is bonded.
Cannot feed it ore, of any color by dropping it on him.
Can't mine it.

I'm a GM miner, and he's a tamer and I've scoured the net looking for solid info, but there appears to be none. Just figured I'd ask you gurus if you knew anything about it.

Scripting Chat / Re: Two clients running seperate scripts?
« on: October 26, 2009, 05:33:50 PM »
Aye, I tried that but it still got mixed up somehow. Here's the scripts I'm using

XII's Over Miner for Dummies

EDIT: Got it to work, thanks for your help!

Scripting Chat / Two clients running seperate scripts?
« on: October 26, 2009, 05:27:12 PM »
I'm using EasyUO with a mining script on one guy, and a blacksmithing script on the other. Or at least that's what I'm trying to do. I can't seem to get both scripts to run at the same time. I'm assuming it's a problem with some global variables, but I'm not exactly sure how to do this without delving into the code and learning it, which I plan to do, I just want a quick answer :) If anyone knows how to run Two clients each running their own script, then please help me!

Currently I play OSI, although I have played around with my own free shard, but I didn't much care for it. I'd prefer not to disclose the shard I play on or my in game name, but I just started playing UO again. I stopped playing right before the first expansion came out and I went to EverQuest(EverCrack more like it). I enjoyed EQ when it was HARD, now it has become way too easy. I tried WoW for a while and after being in a high end raiding guild that was doing server firsts, I got tired of that hardcore raiding real quick.

Most of my programming experience is in VB .Net and C++. I do freelance web and graphic design, but haven't had much work lately so I had to bite the bullet and find a job. Luckily I found one where I can work from home all day! Yeah, it's nice, but it does have it's downfalls.

Anyways, some of the scripts I'm looking into creating are for tedious tasks ingame. Gold Farming, Skill Raising, and Resource Gathering. My first project for sure though is going to be writing a mining script with full support for pack horses, giant beetles, and fire beetles. I don't know the limits of the code yet so I will go no further than that. As for other scripts, I'm not really sure at the moment, I've though about possibly trying to mod the UOInterface before, but have never delved into it too much.

What kind of scripts are people looking to see nowadays? What would make your life easier?

EDIT: Eagerly awaiting my ability to download scripts :)

Howdy, most people call me aP and I'm a geek. I work for an ISP providing upper level tech support, and I've been to school for IT & Computer Science. I ran across the ScriptUO site while actually looking for an easy way to run two UO client windows. Started browsing, and liked what I saw. Anyways, I'll be looking into the language for scripting and possibly writing some of my own in the near future. Thanks for your time!

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