Scripting Resources & Utilities > UO Client Modifications/Tools

neo's uop2mul converter v2.0 -> now repacks .mul files into .uop

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--- Code: ---UPDATE v2.0: MAY 03, 2014
- Huge optimization of the code. Converting is a lot faster now
- Got rid of .dll
- Fixed converting of newer .uop files into .mul files
- Added feature to repack the .mul files into .uop files... Now you can edit your .mul files and reconvert them back into .uop

Please let me know your results if you try this.

--- End code ---

So, basically I have spent the last few days working on this project. With the help of wyatt's Ultima.dll I was able to complete it.

So, this little .net program will convert your .uop files into .mul files. It works with current version of UO as of May 2014.

So now you can get up-to-date .mul files to use with EasyUO, for proper tile scanning, UOFiddler, or for whatever purpose you might find for them. With version 2.0 you can repack them back into .uop files.

Just point the program to the folder where your .uop files are, and choose an output folder.

Let me know if you find any issues!

Special thanks:
Crome who has been there throughout most of the project trying to help out!
Crome and TM for sharing their programming knowledge with me! :)

Gimlet, Masscre, Crome, TM and Maddog for trying the beta version out for me!



Stickied.  Also I'll put a link in from my original UOP/MUL convert thread since that one no longer works.

Thanks Neo!  Great contribution!


--- Quote from: TrailMyx on April 06, 2013, 03:23:50 PM ---Stickied.  Also I'll put a link in from my original UOP/MUL convert thread since that one no longer works.

Thanks Neo!  Great contribution!

--- End quote ---
Appreciate the support TM! :)


All i show you and explain you make Gold of it.. What will you make if i show you Gold? *giggles*

You always giving your best to support the Community as much as possible!

Thank you for all your work!


Ps : Great Work on this Tool, but you know i think high about:)


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