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Messages - Lillianna

Pages: 1 [2]
New member introductions / Re: Love, love, love...muwahhh UO
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:44:50 PM »
Thank you all for your warm welcome!  Good to see some fellow Oklahomans.

@Ultimafreak77, Right now, I'm learning to use TrailMyx's CLAw, Creature Evaluator, and Full-Auto Fisherman. I'm also interested in resource gathering scripts.  I have a lumberjacker that could use some help.

New member introductions / Love, love, love...muwahhh UO
« on: June 20, 2015, 05:26:30 PM »
Hi, I'm Lillianna.  I just started playing UO 8 months ago, and as the subject of my post states...I love it!  It totally surprised. Me...  I am not a video game kind of girl.  I've always been bored with them until a friend introduced me to UO.  Now, I'm spending a lot of time, learning, practicing, improving...It's a lot of fun.

I play on RebirthUO and I'm really enjoying the community. They are a friendly and helpful group of people. They will give you a powerscroll or some LRC gear, so you can play, and have fun.  We laugh, we tussle a little...but it's all in the fun of the game.

My favorite characters to play.  So far, I think my favorite is my archer tamer, Lillianna.  She is a powerhouse and can take down mobs very quickly with her bow.  I also have a spawner (necro mage tamer weaver) that I'm learning to play.  Have a lot to learn and much practice required before I'll be able to solo some spawns, but I'm looking forward to the day. I have a few other characters, some crafters and just started a fisher today.

The scripters on my shard, make it look so easy and Trailmyx is an inspiration.  I invite you all to come check out our freeshard.  We have a lot of fun together.

I'm just a day old to the actual scripting experience, so it's all new to me.  I do have some very basic programming experience from many, many years back and I'm hoping that even though I don't know the language yet, things will fall into place quickly and I'll be writing my own scripts one day.

In real life...I have a degree in geology. Did that for a number of years and now I am in customer service.  I'm hoping to go back to school to study counseling.  I love music...singing it, dancing to it.  I'm trying to teach myself guitar.  I enjoy being creative and making arts and crafts.

So...I hope this intro passes muster.  I look forward to meeting people and learning a lot here with you all.  Thanks in advance, for I know I'll be asking a lot of questions.


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