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Topics - gajju

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New member introductions / Introducing myself
« on: April 17, 2014, 05:12:21 AM »
HI All UO players, the moderators and the script writers
HI i am Alec (gajji) bieng my psudo name was caleld that i school hahhaahahah i know i know ,,, ok so i have ben playing uo or 9 yrs on and off on europa and ATL and i am a total trammie. Why on and off is because i get bored with it every year or so and sell eveeryhing i own and leave (take a break) and come back start fresh (keeps the motivation going). i have def tried pvp also but failed horribly hahaaaha i havent been veery good at scripts because i was a computer deaf as they call it i dint know much about computers when i started playing, just enough to operate it but with time and space i have learned it and i am an intellegent bloke who learns on the job so i have learned enough to stay intrested and i'de like to (ofcourse) with your help and support make my UO gaming experience a bit better by using some of the awesome scripts that ppl have posted and worked so hard making em.
I would also like to say a big thanks in advancee to the all the people who do stuff like this and helps the community
Furthurmore i promise not abide by the rules andalways be a good member of this prestegious Scriptuo community.

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