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Topics - JackDaRabit

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / hello from JackDaRabit
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:36:11 PM »
Just wanted to say hello and tell you a little about me. I started UO in 1997 and stopped in 2007 to now after all this time figured I would make a return to the world we have all become a part of. I looked forward to my return but found a LOT has changed and seems after all my time in this world i have returned new as the day I first started as it seems  :o . Looking forward to returning to the status I once think I held but feel I have a lot to learn again.

So far seems a lot more laid back and not so crowded as it once was and to me depending on what i have set out to do seems could be good or bad. But i have meet new people and ran across old friends so all is well.


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