Casa de TrailMyx > Television/Movies

Wonder Woman


Check it out. This would make an awesome movie in my opinion alot better than the most reacent marvel blunders.

I saw this the other day on a gawker site. I love the concept and the costume ideas (tho I really feel the costume should/could be better).
My only issue with this is that I feel that they should have gotten someone more athletic, a gymnast would be nice but would likely not be "busty" enough to pull off the character. There was a porn ( I know, right?) version of WW that came out several months ago where the costume and actress both looked phenomenal (again, I know, right?).

I think it is time for Movie Studios to realize that there are plenty of unknowns out there putting out material that shames what the big studios are doing. Hollywood should be grabbing on to these people and saying "Yes, yes! Like that! Now shut up and take my money to make that movie!"

Amen Bother !!


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