Scripting Resources & Utilities > Stealth archive

about move fun


The Stealth forum is currently experiencing technical difficulties and is inaccessible. As a new user, I have encountered an issue where all the functions I know about movement, such as MOVEXY, newmovexyz, etc., are automatically pathfinding. However, when I am blocked by a pet in a place with only one direction, I cannot find a path. Is there a movement method that does not involve pathfinding, such as moving in a straight line to X and Y, or moving forward in a certain direction for N steps?
best use python

I am not familiar with Stealth as it has been a long, long time since I tried it. I am currently using OrionUO and finding it more user friendly and they have very a very active discord. We have an Orion section here with links on it. Otherwise, maybe Crome will be around to give you some help.

After reading your introduction, I also want to try to use OrionUO, but my office computer does not have administrator permissions and cannot install OrionUO


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