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Messages - wsray89

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Well hello there scriptingworld
« on: March 23, 2015, 07:26:07 AM »
I am currently addicted to uo freeshards and I recently picked up the habit of hunting down idocs.  Only there was a problem, I cant use IID on house signs on this shard.  I know what shame.  So that brought to the web, and the web brought me here.  That's when I saw all the many scripts that were available on this particular site.  Yes I was interested when I was on this particular site.  It's crazy how many scripts you have it really is.  I'm dare I say "excited" to get the scripts running on the shards I play.  Aside from that I guess you want to hear a little more about me and my interest in this place I found.  It would be good if you were to know how much time I've spent and really wasted after knowing about this side...but that's aside from the point.  Why would it be good?  Well, it is good because that brought me here to the community.  You like more people here.  Maybe not just people, so I can say I do have a bit of a personality that can be fun to read about.  Do you agree?  I hope you do.  I hope you read this and think that's a guy we want to be involved in our activity.  What a silly thought that was, because I just realized that you actually did just think that..not as your idea I know but, well you get the point.  I hope you allow me to use your awesome site.  I grow tired of having nothing really going for but a little wand farming with a tamer..This would open a lot of new doors for me.  So please find it in your heart to let me in would you?  Thankyou for your time and good day .

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