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Topics - teflon1

Pages: [1]
Hi all.

I am new to this site and trying to introduce myself to get the ... well.... sort of...permission  :) srry just kidding.

Started playing since last year and my current pet is cu doggy.
There are so many friendly guys out there and I was surprised that even one man just gave me 200k gold for nothing!

So far, gold farming and exploring the areas of britannia was my greatest interest but suddenly I wanted something anew.
Thus, ended up upgrading to high seas recently and found out there are so many kinds of fishes and crustaceans.

And while throwing away lobster traps into the sea, I found out it hurts my wrist too much. Maybe it is a good time to find a better way.
I seldom use script but there were exceptions like when training trades skills like mining... You know, kind of unproductive jobs.

So... that was my little story and I will be glad if anyone interested.
Thanks and hope to see any of you in atlantic.


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