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Messages - zite

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Looks like a great community here
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:54:37 AM »
So I think I'll introduce myself. Hopefully I can contribute once I get reacquainted with uo and easyuo.

I first started playing uo shortly before tram was released. Got to see what many call the golden era of UO. But I was 12 or so at the time so didn't really appreciate it much more than "holy crap this is awesome!" And thus began my computer addiction. I was somewhat interested before that but never really spent more than an hour at the computer at a time until UO. I've played all the major MMOs since and none have really compared to me. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but UO is awesome. Anyway, that led to me eventually becoming a programmer by trade. Now I do General IT contracting, contract programming, and write iphone apps in my spare time. Soon to be my full time job!

Over the years since I've played on some free shards, ran one, and contributed a bit to runuo back in the day. I got back into UO recently through a bunch of people I know starting to play on the new IPY freeshard. OSI uo, or whoever runs it now, seems like a completely different game that's lost the things that made it great. Namely consequences to your actions. Hopefully IPY will bring that back.

So, hi :)

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