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Messages - Smiddy

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Former UO "Used Tower Salesman"
« on: January 06, 2023, 05:31:17 PM »
Thank you for having me  ;)

New member introductions / Former UO "Used Tower Salesman"
« on: January 06, 2023, 05:09:00 PM »
Hello peoples!
My name is Smiddy and I just recently decided to check out UO again. UO was my first MMO and really my first online game. I started early 1998, I believe. I was a newly minted teenager then.  My 44k free dialup was enough to play (mostly). I played on mostly Sonoma before 3d was released and had a few toons across other shards. I started doing more online gaming but had given up UO by 2000. Around 2009 (I think) An xbox friend of mine convinced me to try out WoW. I started that round WoLK and played until MoP came out. Way too many changes and I lost interest in it. I tried a few others briefly, but only having a base model Macbook I was a little limited on what I could run. After that, I spent years mostly running FPS games on consoles due to a lack of a PC, but I just built myself one this year. Unfortunately, along with adult money comes with adult responsibilities and I dont get to use it nearly as much as I thought.
On UO, I spent the power hour on various harvest/craft skills and and GM just about every skill at one point or another. Due to my amazing internet I ended up spending a lot of time in warm, fuzzy Trammel after it was created. I was not fortunate enough to have UO Assist, so everything was manual. I didnt even understand hotkeys and macros so there was a lot of clicking. Now I can at least pretend I know what I am doing. 
After GMing multiple skills on multiple characters on multiple shards manually, I feel I could use some help with the little tasks that must be done some absurd amount of times to see any gains.  Even something simple that prevents me from having to click so many times would be a blessing

In just about every MMO my main adventuring character is usually a support role such as a healer and I have other toons for various roles, but I always have to have one just for mischief. My main source of income back on UO was finding IDOCs and open plots, placing and selling houses. That doesnt seem as viable now so I am going to be working on a tamer when smithing gets too boring. When I am not working on that toon I can most like be found mining East(ish) of Minoc. Come say Hi! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

I was a bit bummed I couldnt retrieve my original account on UO (What is the 25 year anniversary gift? lol) So now I am playing on UO Forever.  :D

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