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Topics - Coragin

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Scripting Chat / repeat until or goto, which do you use?
« on: February 07, 2010, 04:11:24 AM »
depending on if i can remember repeat until I use it, but for the most part I use goto loop and have the sub handle if it should return or stop.  I guess its pretty much the exact same thing just different wording.

like going from mi to ca, car vs bus, both will get you there, just car gives you more freedom over your time vs bus you have less to do besides sitting and waiting but it takes longer.

Off Topic / And Tomorrow I hit up the pond!
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:09:32 PM »
Well been in PT for a couple weeks now and back 'kinda' feels better.  But, I just cant wait anymore to get back into it.  I shoveled off a good portion of the lake behind my house and Im lacing up the skates to start practicing again.  Spring season starts in March!

General UO Chat / Question abour Replica Drops and Peerless drop How?
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:19:34 PM »

I hear you will only get a replica if you work the spawn and not just kill the champ. 


1. Just killing the champ you get NO chance?  Or very small?
2. How much of the spawn do you have to kill to get a chance at a replica?
3. If you are partied, does the replica drop get split between you and your party?  (lowering the chance at everyone getting one?)
4. When partied would it help even if my second account didnt help but has uber high luck just to be in a party?

With regards to peerless drops

1. Does crimmy appear in your pack? 
2. Can all peerless drop a crimmy?
3. Partied questions above apply to peerless?  3 & 4
4. Do the specific arties for specific peerless drop in your pack?  Or on corpse?

Finally is there a rough number of percentage for replicas and peerless arties?

Doom questions:
1. Cursed.  Can these come from any monster?  Will they appear in your pack or on corpse?
2. NOT Cursed.  Can these only come from DF? Or any in gauntlet?

Thanks for your time.

UO-Related Tutorials / REQUEST: A couple walkthroughs, Peerless n Champ.
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:12:41 PM »
Okay after much much much trying to find any kind of real strat for my setup, I am begging for a walkthrough for...

Niera the Necromancer
Prisim of Light

Now these are my toons to use...

Whammy + 120 Disco Tamer
Whammy + Whammy
Whammy + Archer
Archer + 120 Disco Tamer

Please please please can someone help me especially with Niera and Travesty, two I really want to farm.  And if you give a walkthrough, please try to be as specific as possible, for my dumb butt lol

Off Topic / Real longtime friendships formed through mmorpgs.
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:41:47 AM »
Anyone else have a story of a real long time friendship and or relationship that has been formed through an mmorpg or other sort of online stuff?

I made some really good friends back in my Everquest days, by getting drunk one night and spouting my home phone number off in guild chat to see if anyone would call.  Low and behold like 5 people called lol!

Og all those people that I was now friends with through the phone too, I still have 3 in my life 6 years after, wonderful friends.

Anyone else?

Here is a great little program, it allows you to load up two files and it will compare them side by side, line by line and will highlight the differences.  It will also show (and leave spaces in one) where new code is, what is changed just a little and allow you to copy the new code over to either side with one click.

I encourage anyone working with multiple people on the same script to download and try this out.

Scripting Chat / Having a sub repeat x times
« on: January 25, 2010, 01:57:18 AM »
Okay, this is something I want to learn as there are a lot of things in imbuing and other areas where you want to click the same button twice or more to get to your desired result.  I knew how to do this with MQ2, but I will be damned I forgot, but I will give it a stab in the dark and see what you all have to say.

Code: [Select]
if %setimbue 15
  set %clicktimes 2
  gosub DoTheClick

Sub DoTheClick
for %i 0
click %x %y
set %i +1
until %i = %clicktimes

Scripting Chat / How to save variables to a text file?
« on: January 25, 2010, 12:09:28 AM »
Lets say I want to save a container variable, so I dont have to re-click or run a setup every single time I run a script.  What would that sub look like?  Lets say we are saving the variable of a contain ID, just one single container.

Code: [Select]
Display OK Target your secure
  set #targcurs 1
  while #targcurs = 1
    wait 1
  set %secure #ltargetid

Now lets say I want to save the %secure variable to a text file, to be loaded next time the script is run, thus removing the need to re-run the above code.  What would that sub look like?  If someone can give me an example, I can do all my variables I got setup in a ton of scripts, mainly though you guessed it, this is for hort.

Scripting Chat / OCR Explaination and help...Images and long post.
« on: January 25, 2010, 12:00:33 AM »
If you are an elite you can read about this in the hort threat in special projects e.

If not, I can really use some help in how to do this...see the attached images.

Main plant gump window size 263x231
Seed/Resource gump window size 255x231

This is the image of the plant gump.

Now a couple icons are missing from my gump because I take some things out of the world and it just so happens these images also share with this gump.  But it wont make a difference either way.

You will notice there is a yellow + that indicates you need to add 1 dose of cure, if it needed 2 doeses it would be a red +.  This will go on the left side for all the potions needed, yellow for 1 red for 2 nothing if there is nothing to be added.

For water it will be right next to the water pic, again yellow or red or nothing.

While this character will always be a plus....seeds will not.  it will be a 0-8/8  Example if three seeds are available it would be 3/8 and if those three are taken it will change to 0/5 and everytime it bears a seed the second number will lower.  These colors of the numbers will change, but that is of no matter, we will be collecting all seeds no matter the color.

If there is another way to do this besides ocr, I would love to know.  also if you see the number in the upper left hand corner.  That is how many days the plant has grown.  If it is over say 16 days and you have harvested all the seeds and resources, it would be good to set it to deco mode.

So we need a way to find out if there are no more seeds and resources that will ever come from the plant.  If both seeds and resources get to 0/0 time to set the plant to deco and move it to secure.

What we need to determine in the case of just tending plants and not collecting resources at all.

1.  if there is a "+" by any of the potion locations
2. if there is a "+" what color is it?  Yellow or Red?
3. If there is a "+" on the left we need to determine if there is a 0, 1, or 2 on the right side. (this lets us know how many if any potions we need to pour)
4. If it is a yellow "+" and there is a "0" on the right, we need to pour 1 of that potion type.
5. If there is a red "+" and there is a "0" on the right we need to pour 2 potions of that type.
6. If there is a yellow "+" and a 1 on the right, we dont need to pour any potions.
7. If there is a red "+" and a 1 on the right, we need to pour 1 potion of that type.
8. if there is a red "+" and a 2 on the right we dont need to pour any potions.

That is it in a nutshell for tending.  For gathering, we need to determine...

1. If there are resources available seeds or petals, thorns ect.
2. This will be in the middle on the right where the purple number are for seeds.
3. This will be in the middle on the left where they yellow "-" is.  If resources are available, it will be numbered just like the seeds.

So we have two numbers to determine for either....

1. if a number exists (some plants wont produce a seed or resource, white and black)
2. if a number exists, we need to determine the first and second number. 
3. if the first number is anything other than a "0" it has resources, seeds or petals ect.
4. if the second number is a "0" it is done giving resources or seeds.
5. if the plant is done giving resources AND seeds AND the plant is 9 days old (number in the upper left hand corner of the gump), we can set it to retire and move to secure to clip it up for dyes.

This is why I think we need OCR, but if there is another way, please by all means let me know.

General UO Chat / Program to edit macros outside uo?
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:58:55 PM »
I know there used to be a program about that would let you add/edit/delete macros from your macros file while not inside uo.  Does anyone know if this still exists and where to find it?

If it dont anymore, that sucks.

Hold on need to refill my coffee...

So you are thinking about plants or you already do them now, but you dont do much or want to learn how to do more?  Maybe you are just getting into it and doing just 10-30 plants isint what you had in mind?  Maybe the thought of doing 400-2000 plants is so overwhelming that it makes you nervous?  Or maybe you just want to make a ton o cash?  What ever your reason, that is why I am writing this guide.  

DISCLAIMER: A lot of the info in this guide is just that, info, info that I found here and other places.  I dont remember all the places and people, but this is a collection of info from my own studies that other people suggested and I put it all together for you.

Getting started:
Well first you may be asking yourself, why so many plants?  What can I do?  How is this gonna bring a profit?  Well...

1. The new dyes are done with plants.
2. Orange petals are done with plants.
3. Green Thorns are done with plants.
4. Seeds of renewal for imbuing mana regen, hp regen and sta regen are gotten through plants.

So how much can you make?  Tons if you do it right.  Lets get your supplies ready first shall we?  Here is a list of thing you will need.

1. A chest with potion kegs and a water pitcher.  (Greater Poison, Greater Cure, Greater Strength, Greater Heal) Its best to have a GM alchemist for your plant tender.
2. A lot of seeds, you can start with a few as every plant will give up to 8 seeds, so whatever the number you start with, times it by 8 for your next run.  But try to get a few hundred.
3. Room for lockdowns for each plant.  1 lockdown = 1 plant.
4. Wooden Create, one for each 100 plants.
5. A water Trough.
6. A few large stone tables.

See the attached images for how I do my setup then do something similar.  I am currently doing 1500 plants, each bowl you see is 100 plants stacked.

I will not go through how to take care of plants ect in much detail as that is not the point of this guide.

Okay, first things first, lets get your area set up.  

1. place a chest on the ground where your water trough will be, secure it.  Now use a house deco tool and raise it enough so you can place the water trough underneath it.  Then you can lower the chest back down to make it look like its on a table or stand after you place the water trough.

2. Place your large stone tables around each side of th water trough, if your trough is east, your tables should be south, ect.  Make it so you can walk inbetween the two tables and up to your water trough as if they form a "U" with a single square pathway as the center.  (see pics)

3. Put your pitcher of water and potion kegs in the chest on top of the water trough.

Okay now we are ready to place your plants.  If you havent already, get 100 plants ready, or how ever many you will be using per stack.  Now take all those plant bowls (make sure you already put dirt in them and watered them and put your seeds in them) and put them in your wooden create.  Place the wooden create on your large stone table and use an axe to break it.  All of your plant bowls will drop out into a neat pile that looks like a single plant bowl.  In essence it is 100 plant bowls, but it only looks like one.  Now you need to lock them all down.  There is a script here on SUO to do this, so find it first!!!  Search is your friend.  It was made by C2, so that should help your search, also you might search for QLI, which is a plant bowl.

Okay now they are all locked down.  If you have more you can do another 100 on top of the stack you just did, or you can do like me and do stacks of colors so you dont get them all mixed up.  Just follow the same steps.  Remember you will need a lot of potion kegs, the more plants you have, the more kegs you will want.  I have 6 of each kind in mine, which is good for 400-1500.

Now, what you need to do is run hort o matic once a day, when you have done that, you will want to set it to Tend plants, Harvest Seeds, Maximize Plant Health.  You will want to uncheck prevention or it will use a greater strength potion on every plant, sometimes two.  

Hort O Matic will ask for you to click on your work chest and place a seed container ect.  When your plants start making resources and seeds it will put them in the bag.

Now from here you have a couple ask yourself these questions.

1. Do I want to make dyes?

If the answer is yes, then you will want to set all plants to deco mode once they are done giving resources and seeds.  You will also want to research how to make different colors, they have a great guide on stratics.  White and Black come from mutated plants.  Other colors come from different combos.  Research the plant guides on stratics for the colors you want.  

You will put each plant that is in deco mode in your pack, cut it with "clippers" made from a tinker and it will give you "<color> plant clippings" which is used in making dye.  I will not go into a step by step process for making dye, there are nice guides out there for this, so read up on how to do it.

2. Do I want to sell deco plants?

If the answer is yes, then its simple, when a plant is done producing seeds and or resources, set it to deco then put it on your vendor!  Or deco your house or whatever.

3. Do I want to sell my seeds and or seeds of renewal?

If the answer is yes, hort already placed your seeds into a container, so price them on your vendor and sell them.  10 Seeds of renewal at the time of this writing go for 2m on ATL.

4. Do I want to sell or collect resources such a green thorns and orange petals?

If the answer is yes, you will need to cross pollonate different plant types to get a specific color and a specific type of plant.  Again there are guides for this on stratics, look them up.  This guide is all about how to do plants en mass and how it can make you money.

Well thats it!  Its actually pretty easy, if you know how to setup your garden and I hope this helped you in figuring out how a lot of people are doing this.  If I missed anything or you have something to add or questions please feel free to post.

At the time of this writing myself and a couple others are working on a SUO version of hort o matic that works more fluidly and works 100% for now you will have to use hort until it is finished, but there is a started script with a menu to lock down the plants, water the dirt and plant seeds and other tools, you can find that here in the script section, SUO AIO Plant something something...

Below is the screen shot of my garden...

Okay well, after a lot of thought and consideration by many who want a working version of hort that will not take over your computer completely for hours, this is the start of a community project.  Subs are dedicated to their owner, right now it is all C2 and one from me.  I designed the menu and converted all C2's single scripts into subs to work withing this one toolbox.

Currently working:
Planting Tools and Options.
Fill Bowls With Dirt: Will fill all bowls in your backpack with dirt.  You must be by dirt and click where it picks it up from.
Water Bowls and Plant Seeds: Will water each bowl twice, then plant a seed.  Be sure to be by a water trough.
Lockdown Plant Bowls: Will lock down all plant bowls not locked down in your area. This is useful for putting 124 plants in a wood box and breaking it to make one small stack.
Set Plant Security: Used to set the security of all plants in the area to what you choose. Default after lockdown is owner only, so owner option will set to co owners.  Other options include Friends, Guild and Anyone.  I set mine to anyone so I can make a dummy account with a 14 day trial and run Hort on it in a virtual machine, that way it dont take up my account.

The rest is NOT SET UP no subs exist for these other functions at this time.  This is where the community comes in.  We need to set up all plant tending and the save feature.

Now the goal here is to make this do what hort does only better, faster and with OCR and not taking over your mouse or whole computer.  We will need...

Someone to make a save sub, to save all user settings, like containers, where to retire plants, how to retire, setting plants to deco ect.

Here is what I got so far, C2 did all the subs in the form of his posted scripts and one he gave just to me, credit is posted where the sub is as there is no header right now.  TM if this is going to be a special project, please move this post to where it needs to be.  Anyone that can contribute a sub just post it, you will be credited if you want it.

We also need simple things, like ID's of all plants, adding in a cross pollonator is in the mix too.  We need gump window sizes and button locations, so anyone that can help post it up.  Every little bit helps.  I do not know ocr so I NEED someone to step up and take the lead there, I can do all the subs for watering, potions ect as long as someone can do the ocr part.

Off Topic / We guard the gates of hell!
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:39:43 PM »

Scripting Chat / Any room in special projects for plants?
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:07:24 AM »
Okay with the help of En, C2 and others I have numerous scripts to do numerous things with regards to plants. 

Filling bowls with dirt
Watering dirt and planting seeds
Setting security on locked down plants so a dummy account can do your gardening
Locking down 100's of plants
Moving decorative plants to a secure (for sale or clipping into dyes)
Moving plant bowls into a create to destroy to make a small stack of 100

The idea here is to come up with a single script to do all this that is menu driven.  Than add in plant tending using ocr.  The goal of that is to do away with hort o matic which uses your mouse and basicly makes your computer un-useable.  Plus there is so much in hort that just flat out dont work.

Now the reason many should be interested in this. 

Plants are used for seeds of renewal.  (ive made about 50m on atl just doing plants.)
Plants are used for the new dyes.
Plants are used for green thorns
Plants are used for ornage petals.

Many resources and gold to be made off of plants, we should take advantage.

The final question is, is there room in any special group to add this?  And is there people willing to work on it?

Script Debug / Help! You cannot pick that up!
« on: January 19, 2010, 04:20:59 PM »
The point of this script is simple...

Find the decorative plants o nthe ground, unlock them and put them in a container. 

It goes through it all but when it tries to move them I keep getting the message, you cannot pick that up.  And the plant is not locked down.  Can someone help me get this going?  I have like 300 plants right now to move and they are all on top of each other mixed with ones that arent decorative yet. 

Code: [Select]
;set %MySecureID YMBRKSD   ; Setit
Display Ok Select the Resource Container.
  set #targcurs 1
      while #targcurs = 1
         wait 1
         set %MySecureID #ltargetID
      set #lobjectID #ltargetID
      set #nextcposx 200
      set #nextcposy 0
      event macro 17
      wait 10

Finditem %Planttypes G_2
If #findcnt > 0
  For #findindex 1 #findcnt
      event property #findid
      wait 5   ; wiat for property to be set
      if  Decorative in #property
              msg i wish to release this $
              gosub waitfortargetcursor
              set #ltargetid #findid
              event macro 22 0
              wait 30
              exevent drag #findid
              wait 30
              exevent drop %Mysecureid
              wait 20
      ignoreitem #findid
until #FINDcnt = 0

sub WaitForTargetCursor

set %timeout #scnt + 30

      wait %targetcursorwait
      if #scnt > %timeout
         return #false
Until #TARGCURS = 1

return #true

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