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Simple SpiritSpeak Trainer



--- Code: ---;-----------------------------------------------------------
; Script Name: JFSF Spirit Speak Trainer
; Author: JFSF
; Version: 1.0
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard: OSI
; Revision Date:  9/17/2017
; Public Release: ...
; Global Variables Used: None
; Credits: Many Thanks to TrailMyx (TM) for the Meditation/Journal Subs
--- End code ---

This will train up your spirit speak and enter meditation as needed. I know that Spirit Speak can be trained passive by using other skills but my problem was I didnt need Necro. I use spirit speak for Checking for ghosts on my spy char as champ spawns and need a way to train SS and only SS. Only took me a few hours to go from 0 to 100 skill. Thanks and Enjoy. Also if anyone sees any room for improvement please fell free to add comments.

Fixed the main loop, found the formatting was wrong..

Added a fix to the main loop using brackets. My format was wrong, fixed now.

 A nice trick is you can gain spirit speak by Failing to cast any necro spell as well. So just spam wither with 0 Skill.

I spam curse weapon (without a weapon and necro locked at 0) this way you dont lose karma


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