Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts > Questing

ScriptUO Heartwood Quester v1.19

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--- Code: ---;=================================================================
; Script Name: SUOQuester - ScriptUO Heartwood Quester
; Author: Cerveza / TrailMyx
; Version: 1.18
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI / FS?
; Revision Date: 2007/05/05
; Purpose: Heartwood Quester with reload support for beetles
;          Only does Fletching (bows) and Carpentry (stools)
; Special Thanks:
;       SorrowMaster - original SMQuester
;       Bad_Maniac   - BMItemEval
;       Machine      - craftItem
;       TrailMyx     - Rail engine, Runebood subs
;       j4bber       - Scripting assistance, suggestions and subs
;       Maverick/Drak/Cake2/gatecrasher - Testing and suggestions
; Revision History:
; v0.90 - Initial Beta Release
;       - Fletching ONLY
; v0.91 - Added Carpentry quest
; v0.92 - - Added hiding
; v0.93 - Hardcoded number of boards for packy
;       - Removed loading char with boards
; v0.94 - Added make tools at secure
;       - Added board check (Thanks Drak for the feedback)
; v0.95 - Bug Fixes: delay problems, fletching tools
;       - Added dump loot to secure (thanks J4bber)
; v0.96 - Should keep 2 tinker tools on you, loading from secure
; v0.97 - TrailMyx - Included rail system for testing
; v0.98 - J4bber - Fix for board stacks
; v0.98a- TrailMyx - OCR for toggling quest items
; v0.981nokal - TrailMyx - No KalInEx ocr, modified load_boards1
;             - Fix for make tools
; v0.985nokal - TrailMyx
; v0.987nokal - TrailMyx - complete rewrite of crafting sub
;             - random bag placement
;             - reset of crafting tools to configurable resource color
; v0.988 - TrailMyx same as v0.987nokal with test rails removed, phased out KalOCR
; v0.989 - TrailMyx fixed OCR and carpentry tools setup bug
; v0.9891 - TrailMyx fixed OCR wrong quest, drop bag in pack
;         - added waits for stability
;         - added quest count and safe recall rune support for ending script.
; V1.0    - FINALLY! Thanks TrailMyx / J4bber and all the testers
; v1.01   - stability additions
; v1.10   - Use virtues to clear cursor
; v1.13   - Switch back to key ESC to fix bugged cursor.  Thanks Mystre!
; v1.14   - Removed honor self.  Added ability to use resources other than normal color
; v1.15   - Removed s7 subs for recall.  Added Beetle unhiding feature.
; v1.16   - Now exclusively at
; Preview of UOC V2.0:
; - save config
; - bank support (multiple random banking refills)
; - random landing spots in heartwood <-- DONE
; - more (all?) quests, selectable from setup menu
; - menu with status
; - new user configurable loot evaluation system
; - ????
; Files Needed: Make sure they are all in your EUO directory
; - BMItemEval.euo         - Evaluates loot
; - tool_railengine30k.txt - Rail Engine to move char
; - hw_trinket.txt         - Rail File for path to trinket quest
; - hw_bowcraft.txt        - Rail File for path to bowcraft quest

--- End code ---

Please check these off before you request help on the forum

* [  ] - You are running on OSI This script most likely will not work on your Freeshard
* [  ] - Tamed and bonded beetle (bonded not really required, but nice when beetle dies)
* [  ] - Raw Ribs if you would like your beetle fed at the beginning of script execution.
* [  ] - Runebook with at least 3 runes marked. (Home secure, heartwood, logout) Does not support bank secure!!
* [  ] - Lootbag in your main pack.  Please make sure this is a different container (big bag) than the bags dropped by the quest reward bag.  You run the risk of trashing your loot otherwise.
* [  ] - Loot bag in your home secure MAIN LEVEL (when working from home secure)
* [  ] - Runebook in your main pack
* [  ] - All resources (boards, ingots, tinkering tools, carpentry tools) placed in the main level of your secure container and not in a bag.
* [  ] - Tinkering skill sufficent to make tinker tools and crafting tools
* [  ] - No tinkering?, then enough tinker tools and crafting tools in your home secure (tinker tools and joining planes, lots...)
* [  ] - KEEP UO screen uncovered. This is so the OCR can see the quest (you can still use powersaver, but do NOT use a screensaver, or coverup the UO window)
* [  ] - Rail engine requires that you not move the mouse during rail runs. Otherwise this will mess up your movement while riding a loaded beetle. Dedicate your computer to running this script by either just leaving it alone or running the UO session in a VM (virtual machine instance)
* [  ] - 32-bit video card setup, will not function at 16-bits or 8-bits.
* [  ] - Make sure you have placed all files (quester, looter, rail engine, rails, evaluator) in the same directory as your EasyUO executable. <-- Important!!
* [  ] - Do not run this quester in full screen mode or the OCR functions will not work properly.
* [  ] - Do not run UO Assist or Razor with this script!!
* [  ] - Be sure to have your rune marked SOUTH a few steps of the gate, otherwise you may accidentally enter the portal before the rail engine is ready. (thanks marina)
* [  ] - Be sure you remember to download the rail engine from the link supplied below
* [  ] - Be sure you do not have Always Run selected.  You will need to walk with a loaded beetle.
A big thanks to Bad_Maniac and Machine for some of their work included in this script.

Please post your comments/questions HERE.  Please do not PM me

Please note that you will also have to download the Rail Engine with the rest of the files attached.

One post required to download scripts here at ScriptUO!

Please read the Site Rules to become familiar with the download requirements of this script

And here's the Q/A:
My beetle keeps lagging out, what's up with that?
Check to be sure you don't have "run always" selected in the client. Also, keep your hands off the mouse and avoid using the computer when the script is railing into and out of Heartwood.
The quest I'm doing is never automatically selected; it just keeps looping.
Be sure you are playing in 32bit video mode and that you are NOT playing in full-screen mode.
Also, try making sure your mouse is on the screen and physically "click" the grey area of the quest selection gump. (Thanks to Ultima for that tidbit)
Also, you must be playing in WINDOWED mode.  If you are playing in FULLSCREEN mode, this probably won't work.
Why does this script take so long to select the quest even after it's on the screen?  Also seems to be slow when it's selecting the "Toggle quest item"
Chances are real good that you are:

* 1) Playing on an older computer
* 2) Have a system with lots of programs running
* 3) Trying to run on a laptop - be sure you are using your laptop plugged in and not running on batteries.  Also be sure that you are running in 100% utilization mode.  Most laptops throttle-back the CPU frequency.  Override this at your own risk since you can melt your laptop!---------------------
How can I modify this script to do other quests in Heartwood?
It's pretty easy. In the setup section, you need to change the appropriate item types, resource types, and tool types. Also, you need to let the OCR know that you want to stop at a particular quest by changing the "magic number" Here's a few numbers to get you started:

--- Code: ---set %QUEST_Ingenious_Archery_Part_I 10013928
set %QUEST_Ingenious_Archery_Part_II 11388140
set %QUEST_Ingenious_Archery_Part_III 12210240
set %QUEST_Lethal_Darts 5362724

--- End code ---

It's pretty simple to have the quester let you know what these magic numbers are, but I'll let you figure it out.
This quester does not run on my particular freeshard.
Nope, probably not.  We do not officially support anything but OSI.  If you are willing to take some active debugging to help us figure out what might be the problem, then you might receive some help.  However, if you say "this script doesn't work on my shard, come fix it"... well, you won't get much help.
What's so special about Freeshards and why the quester won't run?
Freeshards have no "official" release for Heartwood or any other content related to the Mondain's Legacy publish.  RunUO in particular.
How do I make the script use another wood other than normal?
Locate the line:

--- Code: ---set %reshue 1 ; 1-wood, 2-oak, 3-ash, 4-yew, 5-hearwood, 6-bloodwood, 7-frostwood

--- End code ---

located in either your fletching setup or your carpentry setup and change the value of %reshue accordingly.
Why isn't anyone answering my questions?
We opened up the ability to download the script, however we are going to be selective about who gets their questions answered.  For those people that have participated in the site, we will be very helpful.  If you have only posted your introductory posting, followed by pleas for help, you will not receive much response.

i love the script, i've been using the old craftmatic script, and to not have to sit and load and reload the beetle is a nice feature. however, it always wants to try and run when i'm fully loaded along the rail. in my options always run is NOT checked, i tried looking through your rail engine to see if there was a place to force a walk in like you can with ceokey on the railrunner script but i didn't see it. I'm no scripting genius, so any help will be greatly appreciated.

Well, force walk is definitely in the rail engine; people grip about it.  You cannot use this quester at the same time that you are surfing or anything.  You have to leave your computer alone while it's doing the questing thing.  But running vs. walking totally depends on the mouse pointer position to the center of your UO display, so if you are trying to use your computer for anything else, it will mess up your rail.

no not doing anything else with the system, if the mouse would stay centered on screen it would be ok, but when it starts walking via the rail the pointer jumps about five inches to the side causeing it to lag out. any suggestions? thanks for the quick reply btw. awesome work!


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