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Messages - kryptonite

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Old man in The House
« on: January 08, 2010, 10:09:20 PM »
Great idea Rana :-) Any idea where to find it? lol I am a concrete man, not very good at finding stuff on websites :-(

New member introductions / Re: Old man in The House
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:16:28 PM »
Thank You TrailMyx, any chance you know how I can update my C2 Potion Factory, i havent been able to use it since SA, and for some odd reason even when i just try to "make max" i keep getting the message about not being a qust item lol?

General UO Chat / Re: Still Need a Few SA Item IDS
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:01:55 PM »
Last Lifted ID?

Direction : HAMROND
Achievement : GADZZMD
Singularity : LWUBNND
Precision : CDGDTRD

New member introductions / Old man in The House
« on: January 08, 2010, 08:14:41 PM »
Hail fellow Sosarians, I am new here (as if ya could not tell this) Cool site as we (Me, my wife and our 14 year old son) have been playing UO since March 2001 mostly on Napa Valley. Back when Napa was down a LOT I did dabble some on Great Lakes. But Napa is home for this old dood. I've never been one to read a lot or look at other news/group sites as I found reading quite lethargic and enjoy learning most things the hard way (ooOoOOoOooO). However, that being said I am finding this site to be quite interesting :-) I have always been a crafter/PvM player, dabbled a little bit (very little) in PvP but it is just not in my heart to kill others. We have a small guild that consists of just a few real life friends and family and we love it. Can do any spawns/peerless with absolute success. Happy New Year to one and all, now imma go and kill me something before my bush/archer gets rusty :-)

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