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Messages - Ultimafreak77

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Questing / Re: Gen's Library Donations
« on: June 15, 2015, 01:28:09 PM »

that's my first time here in SUO. I'd like to try this script but i don't know how to download it...what have to do  ? :)


Please read this and then you will know!

What he said ^^^^

Scripting Chat / Re: Message Script
« on: June 15, 2015, 01:26:25 PM »
Looking, if anyone knows where to find such a thing, a script that will send a message to a player as they walk by the item. I am looking to do something like this with the dungeons as a player enters them:
"You have entered a large cavern. It smells of death and decay."

I know there is a journal scan function that would let you say "something" if a specific key word is seen in the journal. I would do some searches on easyuo documentation or here to see if you can find something similar.

New member introductions / Re: A basic introduction
« on: June 15, 2015, 01:22:04 PM »
I have been playing UO since 1998. I have played Great Lakes, Chesapeake, Napa, and Atlantic. Also played a few of the Asian shards when transfer's first came out as my entire guild went to farm powerscrolls and such. I never transferred back! The housing designs and vendor organization of those shards are unreal! I quit the production shards a few years back only to return when High Sea's released! I played faithfully for a few months before life got in the way and I had to quit paying the monthly fee! I began playing freeshard's to feed my UO addiction. I am still playing the freeshards as I fear going back to the production servers I would be completely lost!

I have never scripted anything major using EasyUO but I have scripted some decent scripts for the runuo community! Looking forward to sharing my knowledge on these forums as well as learning more!

Welcome to SUO! I have never really played on a free shard before, what kind of things are different from official shards?

UOSteam scripts / Re: lumberjacking List help
« on: June 14, 2015, 06:24:01 PM »
hey guys. Long time lurker.
I use lists as most people do for the use of rune locations for my lumberjack script. My question is when I break out of my for loop how do I get it to recall to the last location in the list?  as it stands now. when I break due to weight check or hatchet check.. i will return to my secure, and then start the rune list over again from the first location..

I don't know how to script but wouldn't you save the list location as a variable before recalling home? Then use the same variable to return? I hope someone else can be of more assistance.

New member introductions / Re: Hey!
« on: June 14, 2015, 06:07:14 PM »
Welcome! I have trouble with all the bot tests myself. What things do you like to do when playing Ultima Online?

Scripting Chat / Re: The Taming Appraiser Redux
« on: June 14, 2015, 06:03:20 PM »
Thx for this forgotten info Ultimafreak77.  So going with your info, if I bit down a GD before I tame him will give him let HP that if I tame him full strength.

I believe you are asking if you beat a greater dragon down to low hit points before you tame him, will he still have all the hit points he was supposed to have? The answer is yes, it doesn't matter if he is blessed, near death or full health he will always have the same amount of hit points when he is tamed.

Scripting Chat / Re: The Taming Appraiser Redux
« on: June 14, 2015, 01:57:18 PM »
Hitpoints, Stamina, Strength and Dexterity all are cut in half upon taming. Mana and Intelligence stay the same.

Skills go down 29-30%. Don't know the exact number. What they can be trained up to is pet specific.

Tested on Greater Dragons, Cu's and Rune Beetles.

Something to consider; spell casters will cast Bless on themselves. Is it possible for the script to determine this?

As someone who tames greater dragons on a regular basis, the best way to see if a caster has blessed themselves is to compare their hit points to their max hit points. Normally I animal lore something before I attack it, so its hit points should equal its max hit points. If you animal lore something and its hits points are less than its max hit points, it has blessed itself.

On rare occasions you may come across a creature that was previously beat on by someone else, usually the creatures hit points will be noticeably lower than if they had just blessed themselves. If a caster was recently in combat then chances are it has blessed itself as well, which means you should patiently wait until the blessing fades.

My observations have been that when a greater dragon blesses itself, it normally shows a health percentage of approximately 96% on its health bar. Using some quick number crunching, I believe a greater dragon that has just blessed itself should show its max hit points to be 48-80 hit points higher than its current hit points. My best guess is that if a greater dragon had its current hit point and its max hit points at a difference of more than 100 hit points, the damage must have come from combat.

Scripting Chat / Re: The Taming Appraiser Redux
« on: June 14, 2015, 01:28:51 PM »
I am a Gargoyle tamer. I evaluate/tame Greater Dragons on Atlantic every day. I would be happy to assist with the anything you needed help with.


I added you to the group.  As noted in the PM, you can't really wiggle about and survive while the evaluator does it's thing.  So you need to be able to stealth, invisible, peacemake, or whatever you need to do for the evaluator to have about 6 seconds.

Thank you for giving me access to the project!

My normal process is to fly around until I find a greater dragon and cast invisibility on myself. While I am invisible I will animal lore it. Without sounding critical, because I am not, is the 6 seconds something that will be present on the release version or should it be able to evaluate an animal much quicker in the future?

UO News / Re: Ultima Online New Expansion 2015
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:32:12 AM »
Well... it was news to me! Sorry for getting you all excited for nothing. I will be so happy when I don't have to shuffle 1,000,000 checks around.

Scripting Chat / Re: The Taming Appraiser Redux
« on: June 14, 2015, 04:36:48 AM »
I am a Gargoyle tamer. I evaluate/tame Greater Dragons on Atlantic every day. I would be happy to assist with the anything you needed help with.


Jokes! / Re: Oklahoma
« on: June 13, 2015, 05:22:04 PM »
Gimlet do you live in Oklahoma (Tornado Alley) or just picking on us? :)

UO News / Ultima Online New Expansion 2015
« on: June 13, 2015, 04:43:39 PM »
Maybe this will get some of you old timers back in the game!

Time of Legends:

General UO Chat / Re: Archer Weapon for Dragons
« on: June 13, 2015, 06:06:42 AM »
What is considered the best archer weapon for Dragons?

Assuming Dragon slayer of course.  100% cold?

I agree that the Composite Bow is the archery weapon of choice mainly for its primary move: Armor Ignore.
Composite Bow:

Your next decision will be how do you want to maximize your damage output: Swing Speed Increase or Elemental Damage?

Most people try to achieve the maximum Swing Speed Increase (SSI) of 1.25 seconds/swing

Achieving max SSI for a Composite Bow is very expensive because it has a slow 4s Weapon Speed. This requires your suit to have something like 210 stamina and 55% SSI for max Swing Speed Increase.
Swing Speed Calculator:

To achieve this high amount of Swing Speed Increase  you will want to start with an Ash Runic and reforge Composite Bows with Animated / of Haste until you get a clean 40% SSI bow.

Your bow will probably looking something like the one below. You will have to adjust your Damage Increase with imbuing to get everything to fit on the bow. Don't forget to powder your bow to 255/255 before you imbue it. Once you are finished imbuing you would enhance the bow with Ash wood using a Forged metal tool to achieve 50% SSI on your bow.
Imbuing Calculator:

1. Swing Speed Increase
2. Damage Increase
3. Dragon Slayer
4. Hit Mana Leech
5. Hit Stamina Leech / Hit Lower Defense / Balanced

A bow with 100% elemental damage in the appropriate element (COLD for dragons) will hit for the highest possible damage when don't have mana to use Armor Ignore.

To achieve this 100% elemental cold damage you will want to start with an Ash Runic and reforge Composite Bows with Exquisite / of Quality until you get a clean 100% elemental cold damage bow.

Taking this path would only allow you to imbue the bow with 30% SSI and enhance it to 40% which means the rest of your suit would need higher amounts of SSI to provide the max Swing Speed Increase.

Hopefully this was helpful, let me know if you have any more questions?


Submit your Script / Re: CAMOTbIK's Dirty miner
« on: June 13, 2015, 04:49:40 AM »
EN, I haven't scripted for a while, but now I'm back in the business. Scripting on stealth though, as it's more fun.

Welcome back! What kind of script are currently working on? I am learning how to script, I tried using stealth and then went back to easyuo.

Stealth scripts / Re: [V6, C#] Egg Farmer - v1.0.0.15 (stable)
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:36:30 PM »
Sibble, I still haven't been able to get your egg farmer to work. On a side note I figure anyone collecting lots of eggs is going to need gorgon lens?.. Does anyone have a good method to collect crystals/dust for making gorgon lens?

Back when I use to farm Medusa a lot, I'd go to the Prism of Light in Nujelm. Costs 10k to get in. Kill the Crystal Daemon and loot the Scattered Crystals they drop. You can use those to make the Crystal Dust.

I recommend a script to loot them as it's impossible to keep up with looting with the spawn rate. I take a sampire and never have any issues.

Thanks! I took my Sampire and got a bag full pretty quick. I am pretty sure I didn't loot all the crystals because of all the dead bodies. Ill try to make a script to loot the crystals.

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