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Topics - quammibox

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Returning to UO after 15 years
« on: November 07, 2020, 04:41:20 PM »

This looks like a great resource to learn some new things and maybe remember some old things too! I played from about 2001 to 2005 on OSI servers and at the time I left, I was using EasyUO for a range of things from tedious tasks to picking up loot on the floor of an IDOC. I used to be pretty good at tweaking scripts but i never really learned how to fully write one from scratch. I have a deep admiration for people who tool the time to put together scripts and especially now when UO is older and often forgotten about.

I look forward to seeing if there is some content here that might help me et back into it a little. Covid is the perfect excuse to come back to sosoria and EasyUO!


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