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Messages - Kherkus

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I'll give a shot with bottle as I'm sure that it will work after having read the code for them.  However, I can say that it used to work with kegs.

Not sure what's happening, but it started recently.  It tries to tend the plants, but it cannot find the potion containers.  It will sit there trying to apply the poison potions first, it never does.  It just sits there for who knows how longs trying to find and apply a potion.  I believe it is something to do with recognizing the potion kegs.

Scripting Chat / Re: Plant script
« on: March 05, 2011, 07:40:31 AM »
Well said C2.  And Twinkle McNugget, I'll let you know my progress when I start studying script writing.  Right now, things are quite chaotic because me and my wife are planning on moving back to our home state.  We're trying to do this without my old man knowing about it.  Unfortunately I still live with him due to circumstance.  He runs his own company and needs my help, in exchange, I get a roof over our heads.  Once were free, I'll start studying as hard as possible.

In the meantime, I'll just continue to contribute to my shard with what I have and wait patiently until something better comes along.

Scripting Chat / Re: Plant script
« on: March 04, 2011, 02:36:06 PM »
I do understand where you are coming from and I respect that opinion.  You are also quite right in your assumption of my wanting/needing something that is a little bit faster and little bit more capable than Hort.  I will not say I hate Hort or even dislike.  However, my wife, who also wants to use this computer, has another opinion of its capabilities.  So far, I've gotten into the habit of running Hort in a virtual machine so that she can run whatever she wants on the base machine without interfering with my operation.

As for the numbers I grow, believe me, I know what it's like to grow a massive amount of plants and not have something to help you.  It gets very tiring and very painful on the hands to sit here and click away at a screen on 1000 plants for almost a month.

I agree that some macros should not be spread because of their sheer power.  I believe that scripts that powerful will ruin the game for honest people.  I may use macros and scripts to do certain things in the game, but I prefer to think of myself as one of these honest people who does not hose people for the fun of it, but rather provides a service to the entire community of players.  Growing my plants is my way of serving the people of the game.  Needless to say, my services do have their expenditures.  Reagents for potions, plant bowls, tools, time, etc.

I may not be a script writer, but I do plan on learning be one in the near future.  As soon as I am able to set aside enough free time to seriously study this fine art, I'll be contributing back to this community.

Until then, keep it as real as possible.

Scripting Chat / Re: Plant script
« on: March 01, 2011, 09:59:19 AM »
I know I've mentioned this before, but I currently use Hort to tend to 1600 plants.  The last run I did was 1200 and I got around 400 seeds of renewal from it.  I sold 320 of them on the market and made 32 mil.  Just because I flooded the marker with that many seeds, does not mean that their value is going to go down.  Take into account how long it takes to grow that many plants.  Even if nothing goes wrong and you don;t have to sure them, it takes 17 days to complete a plant cycle.  Then there is the cleanup and the resetting of everything for the next run.  It often takes me a week to reset all of my gear and get all of my seeds planted for the next run.  Also, if there is a delay because of a client update, I have break all of my plants down and store them until Easyuo can run again. 

Trust me when I say this.  Using a macro or a script to tend to plants is not going to increase the amount of seeds out so drastically that the prices are going to plummet.  I know this because I'm one of only a handful of people who actually grows in large quantity on my shard.  The average price for 10 seeds on my shard is 1.2 million gold or higher depending on the supply and who is growing them.

In short, I'm all for this new script and would be very interested in testing it to the fullest extent.

I posted in a previously that I'd like to see a feature installed or released somewhere that enables users to cross pollinate only the plants selected.  I also just thought of another addition that can be made.  In the event of a client update, I think it would be wise to incorporate a system to unlock your plants and then store them into a designated container.  This script already contains the sub for moving plants to a designated container.  All it needs now is the sub to unlock the plants for moving.

I going to start studying this scripting stuff in hopes that someday I'll understand how it works so that I can eventually start helping people with things like this.  Right now I just don;t have the time to spare for studying scripting.

Hope to hear some good news soon Burger.

Don't work too hard.

Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester 1.29 with Advanced CLAw support
« on: February 26, 2011, 09:11:10 AM »
Just curious as to what is going on with my setup.  I've followed to on screen instructions to the letter, but when it asks me to select my "beetle" (is the beetle absolutely required or can a packy do the same thing?) and I do so, it then tries to find something in the upper left corner of my game window and will not go any further.  This is all during the setup.  I won;t be able to get this script to run until I do the setup as far as I know.

Thanks in advance.

PS.  If the answer is already up on the forum, I apologize for not finding it, but I'm somewhat busy with work and really can't spare the time to look through everything thoroughly.

Scripting Chat / Re: Plant script
« on: February 13, 2011, 07:47:49 AM »
I'm just wondering if anyone out there in TV land is still alive or not.  We've not heard one word in over a month as far this is progressing or any other news for that matter.  Hope you all aren't working too hard.

See you in game.

Scripting Chat / Re: Plant script
« on: January 20, 2011, 09:02:07 AM »
I'm looking forward to this one because I'm currently using Hort and it is such a pain in the......

A few ideas I had for you:

1:  Hort will retire plants, but it will not move the bowls to a designated container.  Instead, it will drop them all on your character and then to the ground once your backpack is full.  Perhaps there is a way that it can be coded into the script to drop said bowls onto a bag and ask for a new bag when the current one is full.

2:  Hort is capable of gathering seeds and resources, but it has a problem that I've noticed.  It tends to retire your plants (if selected) when the seed count reaches 0 on the plant, not how many are left for the plant to produce.  Example:  it will retire plants with a seed/resource count like this 0/2, 0/1, etc.  I didn't try to retire any plants prior to 2 seeds left, but some of my plants were at 0/0.

3:  Hort gives you the health statistics and potion use statistics for your pants, but it will not do the same stack over without being restarted.  Also, I believe that it would be helpful to many users to see where their plant growth is.  If there could be a chart that tells us which stage are plants are in, I think it can help a lot of people.  Perhaps in two sections, mature and immature plant.  Immature plants range from stage 1 to stage 9 and mature plants range from 1 resource to 8 resources.

4:  I know that this one should probably be a separate script, but I feel I should mention it.  An add-on to cross pollinate certain plants only.  Have a drop down menu to select your first plant and another drop down menu to select you second plant.  Then, it finds said plants and crosses them.  It does this for as many plants are available.  I know that this one would very complex and difficult to produce and if I could write scripts, believe me, I'd be helping you as much as I could.

Anyway, that's all I've got for now.  Hope to see this bad-ass up and running cause I'm getting really frustrated with Hort. (As if you couldn't tell)

I've been using Hort version 2 for a while now and I get tired of not being able to do anything else on my computer while it's running.  I've noticed that the last time anyone made and comment on this project was in August of last.  I was just wonder if there has been any progress or if the project has been dropped due to lack of interest.  I personally would love to see this come to the game because I am currently growing 1600 plants at a time and Hort is just too cumbersome.

New member introductions / Re: Looking for one script......
« on: November 08, 2010, 08:56:40 AM »
Well, I guess I'll say thanks for advice.  I was hoping that the majority of my background there would be sufficient, but I guess I did go a little overboard with my "request" last night.  I'll ask that it be excused.  I had been up for quite a while searching for an answer to my predicament after a nice long day of fishing off of the pier.

Anyway, I suppose some people out here would like to know a lot more about my gaming history.  In that case, the question is where to start.

I was introduced to UO by my older brother back when I moved in with him to help watch his kids.(fun.....)  It was saving grace from the monotony of screaming little brats with idea what real discipline is.  I started with a trial character on his account and another one on his girlfriends.  My very first character was a miner.  I made it all the way up to GM before I got my own account.  Once that happened, I had to start all over again with a new miner.  I did rather well for myself with old style gathering.  You know the deal.  Go out with a bunch of shovels, a couple of pack horses and a fire beetle.  Mine everything, smelt it all down until your horses that could hold 800 stones were full and drop it all into a bank box.  I played like that for a long time.  Granted I had uoassist, which made some things easier, but didn't allow me to do everything that I wanted.  So started a mage next.  I decided I'd do some hunting with my brother and maybe some more on my own.  Gmed that real quick too.  Made my miner my blacksmith and tinker and then made my mage a necro mage with inscription.  I then started another character that became my alchemist, lumberjack, tailor and carpenter.  This one was used less often because I was not big into tailoring or carpentry.  However, I was using the alchemy quite often to make high level cure potions and poison potions.  I would make lethal poison potions and use them to trap chests which I kept on my miner.  When I got PKed by moron out there who wanted me to pay 500k a week to mine in Felluca, he'd open the chest and he's joining at the healers.  I created three more character as time went by, but I use these far less often than the other three.  One is a fisherman, spellweaver, cook.  The other was a tamer, bard, archer who has since been relieved of taming and is now a paladin archer.  And, lastly, was my thief.  Grandmastered in steaing with a 120 scroll plus jewels, gm hiding, stealth, lockpicking and fencing.  I've been playing these characters for about four years total time with a few gaps in between play times.  I've always played on the Great Lakes server and as I said in my last note, I've become a well known figure in my guild.  Most of the guild knows me as a crafter or a supplier of hard to obtain items.  I'm currently known for growing 1200 plants at once in an attempt to get a whole lot of seeds of renewal.  I've found a great macro for that.  It sure beats trying to do it by hand, which I did with 500 plants on the run before this one.  I also recently discovered UORazor.  Which I find to be better than UOAssist in many ways.  Mostly, I find it better in the macro length department.  UOAssist allows to have so many line of macro code, but Razor has an unlimited amount.  So, I was able to create my own mining macro for recall mining and for lumberjacking as well.  I modified the code for bother macros and made it so that y wife can do that same thing as me and we often run the two macro together with both of us logged on at the same time.  We do not script anything without being there because it then becomes illegal and Id rather not lose my four year old account that I've worked so hard on.

Well, I thinks that's about everything there is to know about my history in the game and my preferences for play.  If anyone needs more info, I'm not sure if I'll be able to recall much more than this.

Thanks again in advance and I look forward to "attempting" to learn how to write a macro.


Great Lakes shard

New member introductions / Looking for one script......
« on: November 07, 2010, 08:08:09 PM »
I have been playing UO for around 6 years now and I think it;s one of the greatest games ever invented.  All of my characters are GM or higher in just about every skill there is and my wife plays the game with me.  I'm part of a huge guild that I help whenever I can.  I've made many friends here and there over the years, but none so many as here in UO 

I came here to find a script that could automate only one quest for me.  The lethal darts quest.  I've some that will do all of the bowyer quests and are a pain in the neck to set up.  But, nothing that will do just the one quest I want it to.  Now, I suck at writing my own macros in easyuo or runuo.  In uoassist or razor, no problem, I rock.  So, if anyone out there can guide me to a decent macro that will just perform the one quest I need, I would be very much appreciative.  Either that, or give a really easy breakdown of how to build my own.

Thanks in advance to all.

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