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Messages - Oracle

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UO Reference Information / Re: new seeds
« on: October 19, 2008, 09:15:50 AM »
Here's the complete list:

; === Plants ===
; Current Listing by Cedryk, Contributed to by Rolo, maker, snicker7, Kel2568, Jade Orchid, Garret

General UO Chat / Re: PvP Help!
« on: October 19, 2008, 09:06:07 AM »
Also I am also debating this same argurement Stamina vs. Mana.  I have come to the conclusion that since there is a potion for stamina and not one for mana that I have been leaning towards mana increase and mana regen.

OMG, go check having problems with your trapped chest creator...   :o

General UO Chat / Re: PvP Help!
« on: October 18, 2008, 09:48:11 AM »
Thanks for the help so far:

I found a pair of Human Fey Leggings and I am wearing those instead of the Leggings of Bane.  I am attempting to replace my gloves and the Jackal's Collar. 

General UO Chat / Re: Dart Traps
« on: October 18, 2008, 09:46:02 AM »
It does not have to be trapped in a certain direction.  It just has to be placed in your backpack in a certain direction.  Make sure that the trapped box is placed lengthwise (east-west) direction in your backpack.  To test it just double click on it; if it does not go off and just says it is locked, then put it on the floor and keep  putting it into your backpack until it is correctly positioned.

General UO Chat / Re: Dart Traps
« on: October 17, 2008, 03:12:26 AM »
After the dart trap is made and locked, make sure you place it in your pack so that the skinny sides face east-west ---

Not like this / but like this \

You can place it on the ground and drop it in your pack a couple of times until it goes right. 

General UO Chat / Re: PvP Help!
« on: October 16, 2008, 12:13:47 PM »
1) OK - Two votes for meditation

2) The sleeves are Mage Armor HP Inrease 4, Night Sight, PR 9, FR 24, CR 5, PR 22, ER 18

3) Chugging - Yes!

4) Ecru Citrine Ring w/ EP 50% and DI 18%

You lost me on what is Fast AI and a long way IMO?  What do you mean by 3 AI's?  How can I achieve this --- what do I need?

General UO Chat / Re: PvP Help!
« on: October 16, 2008, 10:46:09 AM »
What do you mean lack of MR?  My current LMC is 25%. I do have a good running shot bow and I am trying to figure out a macro to exchange them in battle.

According to my research:

The Focus skill could be defined as the "Warrior's Meditation Skill." It increases both a character's Mana Regeneration and Stamina Regeneration. Since a warrior's swing rate is determined by the amount of stamina he has, the ability to increase the regeneration of that attribute would be highly beneficial on the battlefield. Mana, too, is an important stat to any warrior that uses special combat moves as part of his tactics.

Hit Points, Stamina, and Mana all have statistics associated with them called "10 second gains," which are set on all creatures and tell the game system how much to increase each current value by every 10 seconds. This can be seen in the way monsters regenerate their hit points, stamina, and mana over time. These "10 second gains" are usually set once and never change. However, in Age of Shadows, these 10-second gains can now be increased by various skill and magic effects, like the Focus skill.

For Meditation Skill: You may not actively meditate while wearing non-medable armor unless it has the Mage Armor as one of it's Item Properties. Many warriors instead take up the Focus skill, which has similar effects to Meditation but no armor-based limitations.

General UO Chat / PvP Help!
« on: October 16, 2008, 10:19:56 AM »
I would like to throw this out for opinions and suggestions.  I need some help with my PvP character.  It seems that I cannot get the final killing shot in and the battle goes on for 10-15 minutes and one of us finally gets bored or I end up dying (not the other way around).  Here is my template with equipment:

Real Skills:
Anatomy 120
Archery  120
Chivalry  68.3
Focus     72.5
Healing   99.2 (going to 100)
Resist    120
Tactics  120

From the top down: Mace and Shield Glasses, Jackal's Collar, Totem of the Void, Rune Beetle Carpace, Quiver of Infinity, Leggings of Bane, Bracelet of Health, Crimson Cincture, and Stormgrips (Current Resists are: 58, 68, 68, 70, 64)

Main weapon is a Balanced Exceptional Ash Crossbow with Hit Fireball 50%, SSI 30%, DI 49%, LR 20%, PD 100%

I am currently running Guddah's Medic to help keep me alive! I know I need a good ring (Ring of Vile?) and a better bracelet, as well as get my resists to 70 or more, but what else can I do?  Add a Spirit of the Totem?

Please help with ANY suggestions, comments, and/or criticisms. 

Scripting Chat / Re: Granite Mining
« on: October 13, 2008, 09:57:54 AM »

Thanks for looking at the Script.  I really do appreciate it.   I am a bit confused though.  Do I add the color checker to the Script changes that I made?  I pretty much have it so that my Miner walks into the house, checks his backpack and the pack animals backpack and then sorts all of the granite into seperate containers throwing away the normal granite into the trashcan. 

Oh by the way, I fixed the problem with the script halting when it gets 40 pieces of normal granite in the trashcan.  I just learned that you can lock down and secure your trashcan after you place it, which takes away the 400 stone weight limitation.  So you can toss up to 125 pieces of granite in the house trash barrel.  You should not have this many pieces after one mining run, but sometimes I do get more than 40 Normal Granite Stones.

Scripting Chat / Re: Suit Builder
« on: October 11, 2008, 05:50:04 PM »
I would love to get Armorator me it is the best program out there, unless someone corrects me and tells me otherwise!  Look everywhere...even under rocks as one of those may be a fake rock that is hiding the Armorator program!   ;D

Scripting Chat / Suit Builder
« on: October 10, 2008, 01:08:23 PM »
Once upon a time I had this great script called "Armorator" that would build the ultimate suit for you and you could choose to use Jewelry. and select your weapon and shield as well.  I did not use the program for the longest time, as I already had some really good kick ass suits for my characters.  I have since added two more accounts and looked for the script everywhere and it has subsequentally disappeared.  (I guess it felt alone and wandered off to be used by someone else?) 

What do you feel is the best 'Suit Builder Script' available?  I have only seen one other script called CEO's Script Builder, but it seems complicated and takes a tutorial just to set it up and use it.  I have chests and chests of armor and need to sort thru them all by hand to build the best suit.  I don't want to do it the old-fashioned way!

I know help is on it's way!!!


Scripting Chat / Re: Gardening and Plant Script
« on: October 10, 2008, 12:55:22 PM »
For those of you that use Hort-O-Matic2, here is the complete list including all the new plants:

; === Plants ===
; Current Listing by Cedryk, Contributed to by Rolo, maker, snicker7, Kel2568, Jade Orchid, Garret

Just cut and paste this in the same section over the existing plants at the towards the top of the Script.

Television/Movies / Re: The Big Bang Theory
« on: October 04, 2008, 12:01:07 PM »
I AGREE! This is on my TOP Ten Most Watched List on TV.  The humor just hits you.  There is no way to take this show seriously.  You really do not have to be a nerd to get the jokes.  The writing is just plain funny!

General UO Chat / Re: Looking for a Keep
« on: September 26, 2008, 11:50:21 PM »
Love to have you come to Pacific!  I actually have a Keep that I am getting ready to sell.   It is on Ice Island in Felucca.  Most of the times, I too play alone.  I do what I want to do, get it done, and then move onto something else.  Every once in a while I will gather some friends together and we will do a Peerless such as Lady Mel.  I usually IDOC alone aswell, but lately I have gotten together with 2 other people and we split up the map intop sections and each searches that particular section in Fel and Tram...

Script Debug / Re: Granite Mining Script
« on: September 25, 2008, 09:31:23 AM »
I wanted to get more attention to my Script Mining problem and so I am adding another Post to get this bumped up and hopefully it will get a fresh look by some others.  Still having problems...

1. Everytime my packie dies, I need to edit line 4183 with the Pack Animals new id #, since my packie is either really brave or stupid and runs off and attacks the spawn on the screen while my Miner just stands there and watches.  Oh, but if he gets attacked, then he recalls with a dead pack animal.  Is there a way to have the script adjust this automatically?

2.  The House Trash Barrel seems to fill up too fast sometimes with 40 Normal Granite Stones causing my script to yoyo on that 41st piece of granite being placed in the barrerl.

3.  I need more Pack Animal protection

4.  Seems that the Red Murderers are faster at killing me then I am in recalling away. 

5.  Would be nice to smelt the ore as the Miner is putting it away...(bonus)


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