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Messages - JustAnotherFace

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I am running the bar like _| . Long bar up with the icons on the left of the long bar and stacking from bottom to top.


UP position i call that as icons are going up from the small blue button.

Can you test with the bar either in reverse DOWN facing or  RIGHT facing (small blue button on the left .. icons going from left-right) to see if you get the same issue ?

Just tested with the bar in Right facing positon.  Works every time without flaw. However Left facing position does not seem to work unless I left click the status bar. Up position does not seem to work unless I click the status bar. Down facing position works every time without flaw.


I am running the bar like _| . Long bar up with the icons on the left of the long bar and stacking from bottom to top.


The problem I am seeing is that it does not initially try to cure unless you left click the buff bar.  Then it will chug cure, if you fail it will usually chug again. Sometimes after you cure and the next time you get poisoned it will not cure again until you click the buff bar.  Sometimes however, it will work properly after clicking the buffbar and curing the first time.


Well... now that you mention it... not sure if it is a issue in this script or in C2s healer.  But, sometimes it does not seem to recognize poison on the buff bar UNLESS you actually click the buff bar.  What happens is, get poisoned, call scan buff bar with C2s script, does not notice you are poisoned.  Wait for another cycle to see if it recognizes that your poisoned, no luck.  Single left click the buff bar, IMMEDIATELY chugs a cure. Will sometimes work ok after that, sometimes will not.

I also noticed that using this version of the scanbuffbar does not "flash" the buff bar when scanned like previous versions did.  Not sure if this is intended or if maybe this is part of the problem above.

Other than that, seems to work great.


New member introductions / Re: Hugo's Introduction: Hello All
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:55:28 PM »
Welcome aboard Hugo!  Lots of good people here to help out if you ever need it.  Enjoy your stay!


Crafting / Re: frneo's Weapon Crafter v4.1.1 complete 08/15
« on: August 15, 2011, 06:00:38 PM »

Awesome awesome script!  I burned through a little over 50 runic hammers with this bad boy and have not had a problem yet, other than the fact that the RNG hates me.  Works like a dream, set it and forget it! 

Thanks for the hard work!


Script Debug / Re: notin #property issue
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:50:17 PM »
Unfortunately, EUO is down for us EA Mythic players so I can not test any code at the moment.  When it gets fixed I will give it a shot.  Sorry I couldnt help more.


Script Debug / Re: notin #property issue
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:41:14 PM »
Logical Operators

%a && %b


If both values evaluate as true, the expression is true.

%a || %b


If either one of the values evaluates as true, the expression is true.

! %a


Gives the logical inverse of the evaluation. True will exaluate to false, and false to true.

Script Debug / Re: notin #property issue
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:27:34 PM »
But if I use OR, if one of the elemental types isn't in the property, it will already think it's ok to save, won't it?

Thx JaF

Looking back over my own scripts... I think I need to correct myself. Looks like && is correct after all.

Try it without it being inside ( ) brackets


Code: [Select]
if elemental in #property  &&  blood notin #property  && air notin #property && earth notin #property
   do whatever


Script Debug / Re: notin #property issue
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:01:38 PM »
oh, also...

your code is evaluating like this:

If air notin #property and blood notin #property and earth notin #property.... etc

So what it is doing is checking the #property and saying ok I have an elemental slayer book... BUT it does not have AIR and Blood and Earth and etc... all lumped into the property. In other words, it is not an AIR Ele, Blood Ele, Earth Ele combined slayer.

Try the OR statment instead....

Code: [Select]
if ( air notin #property || blood notin #property || earth notin #property || fire , #spc , elemental notin #property || poison , #spc , elemental notin #property || snow notin #property || water notin #property )

Script Debug / Re: notin #property issue
« on: August 13, 2011, 03:53:28 PM »
Hey guys, I'm working on releasing the new version of my crafter, and I just came across this issue. If i set an option to save Elemental Slayer, it's saving anything with elemental slayer in the property, even though I set a check for other elementals notin #property... Am I doing sth wrong? I really can't find a way out of this... If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it... Thank you!

Code: [Select]
if ( %prop . %checkindex = Elemental , #spc , Slayer && Elemental , #spc , Slayer in #property )
           event property #findid
           wait 5
           if ( air notin #property && blood notin #property && earth notin #property && fire , #spc , elemental notin #property && poison , #spc , elemental notin #property && snow notin #property && water notin #property
              menu Font Color Black
              menu Font BGColor Window
              menu list add savedlist %prop . %checkindex
              set %totalcnt %totalcnt + 1
              menu delete EUOLabel11
              menu Text EUOLabel11 280 204 Weapons Saved: %totalcnt
              gosub keep %currentweapon
              ignoreitem #findid

Code: [Select]
if ( air notin #property && blood notin #property && earth notin #property && fire , #spc , elemental notin #property && && poison , #spc , elemental notin #property && snow notin #property && water notin #property
You did not close your bracket after water notin #property


General UO Chat / Re: Ummm Account Missing Characters
« on: August 13, 2011, 07:36:07 AM »
From the UO Site
Account Migration Update: Server Downtime

Rowland Cox

13 Aug 2011 11:25:23 EST

We are aware of several issues, including the character slot problem, and we are working on fixes now. The servers will be coming down shortly to impliment the fixes. Thank you for your patience.


General UO Chat / Re: Ummm Account Missing Characters
« on: August 13, 2011, 07:27:30 AM »
We are contacting you in regards to your GM petition number XXXXXXX.
Thank you for your appeal concerning your missing character.
Following the recent maintenance we have a had a number of reports concerning missing characters from the 6th character slot.  We are aware of the issue and it is currently under investigation.  If the missing character was not in the 6th slot please re-appeal immediately and specify the slot it was in so that we may look into your issue further.  We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you, the issue will be resolved as soon as possible.

GM Labuc
Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.
BioWare Mythic Customer Support
BioWare Mythic, A Division of EA


General UO Chat / Re: Ummm Account Missing Characters
« on: August 13, 2011, 07:07:03 AM »
Was it the 6th or 7th character slot?

Yes, was a 6th character slot.


General UO Chat / Ummm Account Missing Characters
« on: August 13, 2011, 05:09:55 AM »
WTH?  Can EA get nothing right?  I log in this morning (so far only to one account) to find out that a character I built about 1-2 months ago no longer exists.  This was my dog thrower.  Can I rebuild the character, sure... but I will have to rebuild the suit, the weapons, oh yeah and bam there went about 25 mil that was in his bank, special items that were in his bank... man oh man the more I think about it the more this is pissing me off!


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