Scripting Resources & Utilities > Orion UO Scripts

Sampire Helper

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Got a request for this script. Just extracted a few main functions from my own script. Will spend the next few days re-working it based on feedback here.

Usage: Autostart should run in the background. It will scan all valid targets on the screen, and add them to a find list called mobTypes if the targets graphic does not already exists. The comments of each graphic are used as tags in the script. The first element is the mobile name and is currently unused in the script. The second entry is for the slayer type. If you change the value from false, that word will be used to find the correct slayer in your inventory. For example "a water elemental|elemental|false" will try to find an elemental slayer in your pack and equip it when the attack function is called. The third element will be used to ignore that mob when scanning for valid targets(not completed yet).

You can assign a hotkey to the attack function which will attempt to attack the closest valid target. If the target is at full health, and is in range, it will be honored. The targets type will be checked for a slayer, if one is returned, and that slayer is found in your inventory, it will be equipped. The script will then try to move and stay within one tile of the target. The best bushido stance will then be selected. If only one target is in range, swordsmanship mastery is active, and you are holding a double axe, onslaught will be used every 6 seconds. Then Primary Ability will be activated if only one target is in range. Momentum strike will be used if there are two targets. If you are holding a double axe, and 3 or more targets are in range, whirlwind will be used instead. Once the target dies, a counter for its graphic type will be increased giving a decent approximation of how many of those targets have been killed(if the target becomes invalid, but did not die the counter will still increase).

Bit of a messy explanation, and currently does not have any Chivalry spells in use, but if more people are interested in this type of a script i am willing to get it cleaned up and expand it a little further. I have not fully tested this script since my own sampire script runs just fine even though i have only provided some of its functionality here.

I will check it out, sounds cool.

is this for easyuo or orion?  if for Orion I am very interested :)

I have it on auto start but I can't get her it to do anything when I hit play. My samp just stands there and gets attacked. I would try to touch it up but I don't have a clue on writing scripts. I use Orion

Autorun on its own wont do anything. This script is not meant to play the game for you. Autorun only keeps a log of mobiles, and some information about them. The attack function needs to be added to a hotkey and called each time you want to attack a new target. It is very easy to add a function that will loop the attack function if thats how you want the script to work but is out of the scope of this script. I'll add a section on assigning hotkeys to functions if anyone needs clarification on that.


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