Scripting Resources & Utilities > Orion UO Scripts

Altiric's Amazing All-Skills Trainer

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Been dabbling with this one for a while now. While its fully operational as is, its ability to be expanded is the real focus of this script. It includes a complete gump/gui system that is fully dynamic, and a skill training "engine" that works off a single function for each skill. The skills table is the only area that needs modification to add new skills, the rest of the code will update itself as needed. I have included a few different training methods for various skills to provide examples for implementing new skills.

The script it pretty crammed right now and should realistically be split into a couple files with #includes to make the code cleaner and easier to work with, there are also a lot of areas with no comments. If there is enough interest from people who want to work on adding skills, ill get a mini guide going inside the code itself. None of this will really matter for people who just want to train skills though :)

Skills currently available: Anatomy, Swordsmanship, Chivalry, Detecting Hidden, Discordance, Hiding, Magery, Musicianship, Mysticism, Necromancy, Peacemaking, and Stealth

Simply select the skill you want to train, and it will attempt training the skill to cap. There is currently no error checking, so use common sense when you begin training, having a LRC suit for casting, tools you'll require, etc. Again, if there is enough interest in this script, I'll polish it up and get more skills added. This is mostly to gauge interest in the script, and determine how people would like to use it (using it as a framework, or just as a skills trainer).

Thanks for sharing, I'd love to give it a try.


This is interesting and I can definitely see myself using it, thank you!

Thanks for sharing  8)


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