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Messages - manwinc

Pages: 1 ... 101 102 [103] 104 105
General Discussion / Re: What to do about the lame EasyUO parser?
« on: May 27, 2009, 09:50:26 PM »
It just has some limitations. You normally have to Take an extra step in order to reach your destination.

set %i 0
set %Next T
set %test0T monkey
set %cagedmonkey banana
set %String1 %I , %next
set %String2 %Test . %String1
set %test %caged . %string2
display ok %test

It means 2 Extra Lines of Code which Is very Annoying, but you can Still do it easily enough....

General UO Chat / Re: 100 vs 110 vs 120 Magic Resist
« on: May 20, 2009, 02:05:07 AM »
Resist spells Ninja Archers FTW, HEY LOOK! I'M A LLAMA!~ ;D

General UO Chat / Re: 100 vs 110 vs 120 Magic Resist
« on: May 16, 2009, 05:47:49 PM »
No comment On that template.........

General UO Chat / Re: 100 vs 110 vs 120 Magic Resist
« on: May 16, 2009, 09:24:03 AM »
Exactly what OMG Said

General UO Chat / Re: Champion Spawn Difficulty Rankings!
« on: May 16, 2009, 09:22:51 AM »
Peerless as far as Difficulty Goes..... Well Depends On your template, Resources, and Your Tactics.

Personally I'd Say as Far as Hardest To Easiest Peerless BOSS.

1. Shimmering Effusion (It can Get Ugly If you Don't Kill his Spawn)
2. Paroxymous (1 Hit kills! Even at 150 Str, 45+ DCI, 120 Parry he still Can Swat You like a Fly)
3. Grizzle ( Slows Your casting, Eats your armor, Single Tamer can still take him...... )
4. Dreadhorn ( That Curse, Plus a few combo Spells, and A Decent hit, A Really good Dexxer Can solo him)
5. Travesty ( Hit her On the Head She changes Into Something Else! ITS LIKE A CARNIVAL!)
6. Mel ( No Comment, Personally Travesty Is Easier To me, But Thats because I Built my guys to Kick it around)

Hardest To easiest As Far As Getting the Keys.

1. Shimmering Effusion ( Screw Those Hydras, And Unlike the Rest of them You have to match the KEYS AT THE END)
2. Paroxymous (Let The Putrifier Take a Few Swings at you and You'll Understand. 2 Greaters Eat him alive though)
3. Grizzle (Red Death Wanders out while You happen to Be Fighting Michael And Jonathan... ouch......)
5. Travesty ( Disarm, Whirlwind, Chug What More Can I say?)
6. Mel (Seriously? Cmon...... Unless that Crazy Hydra Wanders Over or your A complete NUB You should Never Die getting the keys here)

Funny That went in the same order!

Resource Extraction / Re: When do resources get randomized...
« on: May 11, 2009, 12:29:12 PM »
Then Perhaps were approaching it from the wrong angle.

if %Type = Frostwood
set %Timer #Scnt + 7200
if %type = Bloodwood
set %Timer #SCnt + 3600
if %Type = Heartwood
set %Timer #Scnt + 2400

Etc etc etc......

If You guys don't think they are programming with individual instances of it respawning, then perhaps they just set specific Timers for each location, SINCE Uo Has specifically stated that Higher Ore Will Yield more, it would make sense that it takes longer for it to reset, and if it isn't based on the "Amount" you pull out of the tree, then it should be an increased Timer on The Tree before it resets.

Script Debug / Re: Suit Builder
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:31:52 PM »
Sadly, all I did was swap out their Arms and Gorget :), Got some more MR, LMC, And better resists out of it.

Most of my guys run fey leggings, carapace, faction stormgrips, M&S || Spirit Totem, so All I really have to fill is the Sleeves and gorget.

Script Debug / Re: Suit Builder
« on: May 07, 2009, 10:17:58 AM »
HAH!, Just improved Two of My guys Suits!

Script Debug / Re: Suit Builder
« on: May 07, 2009, 09:16:30 AM »
Gross, If all I am Calculating Is resists... It only Goes through 11 Pieces of armor a second..........

Definitely Going to Add A Timer With How long it will take to finish.

Script Debug / Re: Suit Builder
« on: May 07, 2009, 09:03:38 AM »
Yup, 9999 Lpc Definitely Works :), Still takes a while for it to sort through all of my armor..... Need to look up the mathematics for calculating the number of possibilities based on the number Of Things that are summed, and the the quantity of each....... if that makes any sense.....

Script Debug / Re: Suit Builder
« on: May 07, 2009, 06:36:31 AM »
Hmm..... I thought 1000 Was as fast as it would go, didn't seem to speed up any when I put it up to 2000 lpc.... I'll give it a try.

Script Debug / Re: Suit Builder
« on: May 06, 2009, 11:54:50 PM »
Updated, Sped it up a little.

Crafting / Mwinc. Enchanted Apple Crafter
« on: May 06, 2009, 11:51:54 PM »
Directions are Included In the Script. Use potions, not kegs. Will Craft Tools For you.

Code: [Select]
; Script Name: MWinc. Enchanted Apple
; Author: MWinc.
; Version: 1.2
; Client Tested with: Baja
; EUO version tested with: 148
; Shard OSI / FS:  OSI
; Revision Date:
; Public Release:
; Purpose: Crafts Enchanted Apples
; Directions
; 1. Have a Secure with Plenty Of Apples, and Greater Heal "POTIONS"
; 2. Have Either Enough Cooking Tools On You To make A Bunch
; 3. Or Plenty of COoking tools in your Secure
; 4. Or Tinkering Tools In your Backpack,
; 5. Or Tinkering TOols In your Secure.......
; 6. If You are Using Tinkering Tools to make Skillets... have
;    Iron Ingots in your Secure, And ONLY iron ingots in your secure.
; That seemed like way too many Directions.....
; Set Intro To anything But True To skip that Funny Intro
set %intro True
if %intro = True
gosub Intro
gosub setup

; My setup Stuff
set %Craftmenu 530_497
set %fletchingtool UFG
set %tailoringtool HAG
set %alchemytool RQF
set %tinkeringtool JTL
set %blacksmithingtool OBG_FBG_TLH
set %cookingtool OGG_DND_BCG

; gosub craft "Tool Type" , " setting " , "categorie" , " Page " , " number Down " ,
; gosub makelast "Tool Type"
; gosub resource "item" , Min , Max
Finditem %CookingTool C_ , #Backpackid
if #findcnt > 0
gosub craft Cooking N/A 5 1 2
Gosub Check_Tools
gosub resource UUF 1 10
gosub resource QQD 1 10
gosub makelast Cooking
finditem CBS C_ , #backpackid
if #findstack > 20
gosub drag #findid #findstack %Secure
goto main

sub Check_Tools
Finditem %CookingTool C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt > 0
Finditem %CookingTool C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt > 0
gosub craft cooking N/A 5 1 2
finditem %tinkeringtool C_ , #backpackid
chooseskill Tink
if #findcnt < 2 && #findcnt > 0 && #skill >= 300
gosub resource ENK 10 20
gosub craft Tinkering iron 2 1 4
goto Check_Tools
if #findcnt > 1 && #Skill >= 300
Gosub resource Enk 10 20
gosub Craft Tinkering Iron 2 2 9
goto check_Tools
if #Findcnt = 0 || #Skill < 300
Finditem %cookingtool C_ , %Secure
if #findcnt < 1
gosub end outoftools
Gosub Drag #findid #findstack %secure
if #Findcnt = 0 && #Skill >= 300
Finditem %TinkeringTool C_ , %Secure
if #findcnt < 1
gosub end outoftools
gosub Drag #findid #findstack #backpackid
goto Check_Tools

sub drag
set %DropWeight #weight
exevent drag %1 %2
exevent dropc %3
set %Time_Limit #Scnt + 3
while #weight = %dropweight && %Timer_Limit > #Scnt
wait 1
if %Timer_Limit < #Scnt
Wait 20
Gosub backpack
goto resource
Wait 20

sub craft
gosub ToolEval %1
Finditem %tool C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt < 1
gosub End OutOfTools
if #lobjectid <> #findid || #contsize <> %CraftMenu
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
gosub contsizewait %Craftmenu
gosub setting %2
gosub category %3
gosub page %4
gosub rownum %5

sub makelast
gosub tooleval %1
finditem %tool C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt < 1
gosub end outoftools
if #lobjectid <> #findid || #contsize <> %CraftMenu
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
gosub contsizewait %craftmenu
set %xclick #contposx + 280
set %yclick #contposy + 450
click %xclick %yclick
wait 20

sub resource
finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
set %bagamount #findstack
if #findstack > %2
finditem %1 C_ , %secure
if #findcnt < 1
gosub end Resources
set %dragamount %3 - %bagamount
gosub Drag #findid %dragamount #backpackid

sub rownum
set %xclick #contposx + 235
set %starty #contposy + 50
set %yclick ( %starty + ( %1 * 20 ) )
click %xclick %yclick
wait 20

sub category
set %starty #contposy + 70
set %xclick #contposx + 30
set %yclick ( %starty + ( %1 * 20 ) )
click %xclick %yclick
gosub contsizewait %craftmenu

sub page
if %1 = 1
set %clicknum %1 - 1
set %xclick #contposx + 385
set %yclick #contposy + 270
click %xclick %yclick x %clicknum

sub Tooleval
if %1 = alchemy
set %Tool %Alchemytool
if %1 = fletching
set %tool %Fletchingtool
if %1 = blacksmithing
set %tool %blacksmithingtool
if %1 = tailoring
set %tool %Tailoringtool
if %1 = tinkering
set %tool %Tinkeringtool
if %1 = carpentry
set %tool %Carpentrytool
if %1 = cooking
set %tool %Cookingtool
set %tool2 %1

sub Contsizewait
wait 15
set %Time_Limit #scnt + 4
finditem #lobjectid
if #findcnt < 1
while #contsize <> %1 && %Time_Limit > #Scnt
wait 1
if %Time_Limit <= #scnt
event macro 17 0
goto Contsizewait

sub setting
set %setting % . setting . %tool2
if %setting = %2
gosub contsizewait %craftmenu
set %clickx #contposx + 31
set %clicky #contposy + 372
click %clickx %clicky
wait 10
set %clickx #contposx + 230
if %2 = iron
set %clicky #contposy + 70
if %2 = Dullcopper
set %clicky #contposy + 90
if %2 = shadowiron
set %clicky #contposy + 110
if %2 = copper
set %clicky #contposy + 130
if %2 = bronze
set %clicky #contposy + 150
if %2 = gold
set %clicky #contposy + 170
if %2 = Agapite
set %clicky #contposy + 190
if %2 = Verite
set %clicky #contposy + 210
if %2 = Valorite
set %clicky #contposy + 230
if %2 = wood
set %clicky #contposy + 70
if %2 = oak
set %clicky #contposy + 90
if %2 = ash
set %clicky #contposy + 110
if %2 = yew
set %clicky #contposy + 130
if %2 = heartwood
set %clicky #contposy + 150
if %2 = bloodwood
set %clicky #contposy + 170
if %2 = Frostwood
set %clicky #contposy + 190
click %clickx %clicky
gosub Contsizewait %Craftmenu
set % , setting , %tool2 %2
wait 10

Sub End
if %1 = OutOfTools
Display You are Out of Tools
if %1 = Resources
Display Need more resources

sub setup
menu window Title setup
menu window size 200 100
menu show 0 0
menu window color silver
menu font bgcolor silver
menu font size 14
menu text setup 20 25 Target Your Secure
set #targcurs 1
set %time #systime
while #targcurs = 1
if #random < 25
menu clear
menu font Bgcolor silver
menu font color black
menu font size 40
menu text setup 40 10 KILL!
wait 1
menu clear
menu font bgcolor silver
menu font size 14
menu text setup 20 25 Target Your Secure
wait 1
set %secure #ltargetid
set #lobjectid %secure
event macro 17 0
while #contid <> %Secure
wait 1
Contpos 0 0
wait 20
menu Hide

menu window Title Apples
menu window size 300 100
menu show 0 0
menu window color silver
menu font bgcolor silver
menu font size 16
menu font color black
menu text apples 75 75 Loading....
menu image create apples 0 0 200 200
set #lpc 400
menu clear
menu font bgcolor silver
menu font size 16
menu text apples 75 75 Loading....
menu image create stick1 0 0 300 300
menu image rectangle stick1 69 46 85 60 black #true 2
menu image ellipse stick1 70 1 85 16 black 1
menu image line stick1 77 16 77 36 black 2
menu image line stick1 77 20 100 20 black 2 ;arm 1
gosub BOW
menu image line stick1 77 36 83 46 black 2
menu image line stick1 77 36 71 46 black 2
menu image create head 0 0 300 300
menu image ellipse head 170 15 185 30 black 1 ;end stick1
menu image ellipse head 174 10 180 15 red 1
menu image line head 177 7 177 10 black 1
menu image line head 170 20 185 20 white 2
menu image line head 185 20 190 25 white 2
menu image create apples 0 0 300 300
menu image line apples 177 30 177 50 black 2
menu image line apples 177 34 172 43 black 2
menu image line apples 177 50 183 60 black 2
menu image line apples 177 50 171 60 black 2
menu image Rectangle apples 220 0 250 60 2511000 #true 2
menu image create Arrow 0 0 300 300
menu image line arrow 80 20 120 20 black 2
menu image line Arrow 120 17 120 23 black 2
menu image line arrow 120 17 125 20 black 2
menu image line arrow 120 23 125 20 black 2
menu image line arrow 85 20 80 17 black 2
menu image line arrow 85 20 80 23 black 2
for %number 1 6
set %x_Menu_Pos ( %number * 10 + 0 )
menu image pos arrow %x_Menu_Pos 0 300 300
wait 1
set %X_Menu_Pos2 0
for %number 1 4
set %X_Menu_pos %X_menu_Pos + 10
Set %x_Menu_Pos2 %X_Menu_Pos2 + 10
menu image pos arrow %x_Menu_Pos 0 300 300
menu image pos Head %X_Menu_Pos2 0 300 300
wait 1
for %number 1 10
set %y2 %number + 30
menu image line apples 220 30 220 %y2 Red 3
wait 5
menu font bgcolor silver
menu font color black
menu font size 16
menu text apples 100 0 BOOM!
wait 15
menu text apples 100 20 HEAD
menu text apples 100 40 SHOT!
wait 15
menu clear
menu Font Color Black
menu font bgcolor Silver
menu font size 25
menu text apples 13 20 ~ Man Whores Inc ~
menu font size 12
wait 3
menu text apples 90 60 "Obey Us"
wait 3
menu text apples 70 80 " We have candy "
wait 10
menu clear

sub bow
menu image line stick1 100 11 100 29 black 2
menu image line stick1 100 11 90 1 black 2
menu image line stick1 100 29 90 39 black 2
menu image line stick1 90 1 90 39 black 1

sub Backpack
event macro 9 7
wait 20
event macro 8 7
set %Timer_Limit #scnt + 2
while #contid <> #backpackid  && %Timer_Limit > #Scnt
wait 1
if %Timer_Limit <= #scnt
goto Backpack
contpos 700 525


Misc. Scripts / Mwinc. Keg Emptier
« on: May 06, 2009, 04:05:29 PM »
Empty's kegs Into Bottles. Old Code, But Never had a complaint about it.

Script Debug / Re: Suit Builder
« on: May 06, 2009, 02:56:31 PM »
Well, right now it doesn't factor in Jewels, DCI, HCI, FC, FCR.

It was mainly Built To Fill in the Gaps, Not Build a complete suit (Which it is capable of). You have pieces you want to use. AOF, Folded Steel, Maybe some kick ass leggings, and you just need a gorget, sleeves, and gloves, to fill in. This script will find those for you.

I Will probably Incorporate in HCI and DCI, but I don't think I will ever Incorporate jewels......

There are already Six Pieces of armor..... Which already Creates ALOT of Options..... Which means it takes forever... To include jewels Into that.... My god...... *Cringes*.......

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