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Vendor Search script, does one exist?

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If someone can lend me an account, i could try to check it with stealth and look if i find a simple way to parse it.

This also could be via Teamviewer and a Stealth client located at the owners place.

So i had a chance to check the Vendor Search out via Stealth. Thanks to a Contributor...

I must say the Broadsword Devs should be fired.

Gump Sniffer Information as Attachment...

Now comes the Data Analysis :
- All ResizePics are stupid.They used to DRAW the Whole Gump Background with single sized Pixels instead of using the Background Component. This a) Increase the amount of Data to handle for Client and b) is the worst way of designing a Gump.
- The Container Type for Stealth is $F3EC8. With this you can staticly decide if Gump is Open and attach to object.
- The ReplyID for Start a Search is 1
- The ReplyID for clear a Search is 2
- You can Access to all Fields of the Gump. You dont need to click ANY single Button to access to informations
- The ReplyID for Sort from Low to High is 234
- The ReplyID for Sort from High to Low is 235
- I hadnt looked but guessed the Enties are generic added. With 10 Minutes Math you could point out an object Type for all Content.
- The Offset for the First Search Selection is 1235. Based by the Generic Design you could parse the Text behind very easy.
- The Generic Type for the Queue Gump is $F3ECB. With this information you could "wait for results"
- The Generic Type for the Results Gump is $F3EC9. Based on the Design it should be very easy to read out the informtions. Against the SearchGump, the Resultgump is properly written(lol) You need to parse 1 Page then flip page and reparse next. Little bit time consuming but nothing to worry.
- Now comes the real fun : The Vendor Map is coded as TreasureMap. This can be easy parsed to waypoints via Stealth Events. Means if you write a Recall to a Moongate. a World Changer Code for changing moongate, you could walk via code to any spot and auto buy the item....

I guess a dataparsing of this Feature would take a good dev ~ 2-3 hours to get a stable version in stealth. Including the Map Parsing and all else you could solve this in 4-5 hours with testing maybe 8 hours of efforts...

For Runuo Devs who like to clone the Gump : Use AddBackground with the GumpID 30546 instead of drawing hundres of resizeable pictures..

Holy Data Analysis Batman!

Actually that gump info is pretty useful.  The CLAw needs a bit of a refreshing on the attributes it looks for by default.  Thanks for it!


--- Quote from: TrailMyx on November 30, 2014, 10:42:20 AM ---Holy Data Analysis Batman!

Actually that gump info is pretty useful.  The CLAw needs a bit of a refreshing on the attributes it looks for by default.  Thanks for it!

--- End quote ---

I currently writing a Delphi API Extension and i may write up a module for this stupid Query Gump to handle it. Who knows ;)

I just started playing around with the gump stuff for the wrapper btw.  Progress is slow now that most of the low-hanging fruit is gobbled up.  :(


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