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New member introductions / Still the best game
« on: February 25, 2021, 08:34:54 PM »
Hey Guys
I'm Korean and I'm playing in Arirang Shard
I can't *write* English very well, so I use a translator to write.

When I was very young (about 10 years old), Arirang Shard was new coming.
I thought it was a really COOL game
when saw playing journal article in the game magazine.
Also, In Korea, it was not easy to get a game time coupon.
So.. I still regard UO as Best RPG.

Now I can subscribe and I can easily buy UOA, but
I don't think the feeling of wanting to play in Britannia is different from then.

Anyway, it's an old game and It's not kind enough to improve some skills(like animal taming).
so, I came to find the script
Thank you

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