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Messages - Vander Nars

Pages: [1]
Manwincs' Script Library / Re: Mwinc. Imbuing Trainer
« on: June 23, 2013, 09:56:42 AM »
I keep getting error enk 2213 anyone know what this means?

New member introductions / HI
« on: June 23, 2013, 08:24:49 AM »
My name is Vander, its the name I picked for my very first char that I made back around 2002 when I first started playing on atlantic. I remember enjoying the game in a much different fashion then I do currently today back when I first started I had no idea or concept of pvp so I sit around haven bank all day talking to people and sometimes going out to kill stuff like orge lords or blood elementals I even had a friend that I played with almost every day named Shadow Wolf. Over the years I started to pvp when I meant a new friend named Sir Tic Tac he told me about pvp and even should me how to poison a cleaver so we both set out in search of reds to kill and I died alot but the trill of chasing another player down changed me forever I no longer cared about killing monsters or sitting around the bank talking all I ever whated to do was pvp and me and tic tac have stuck together over the years and even met irl several times now. I remember when we joined our first pvp guild Blitz -Z- it was a small pvp guild lead by Fade who showed me how to use potions in pvp and how to play a mage. I was in this guild until it feel apart and the gm quit so I joined a rival guild that was much larger but still not the biggest on the server and that was LNR. The reason I joined LNR at first was because I had a deep hatred for HOT guild because they where the biggest on the server at the time and would raid almost every single spawn we did and come with double the numbers to kill us so it was gonna final be my turn to fight back and that is what happen I worked my way up the ranks of LNR over the years to become one of there main recruiters but as the game got older the recruits became less until one day there pretty much was noone left to recruit. LNR had taken ahold of the shard in the way that HOT once had it and now it was LNR that was hated so people didnt want to join and just like any guild you will have members with conflicting personality and that lead to people leaving to join other guilds until we ended up a inactive guild with maybe 2 or 3 people logging on if u where lucky. So I stop playing playing for a while until I heard LNR was making another attempt at pvp again and I turned on my accounts and we had a few people back around 10 members are so and it was fun to play again but it was short lived and the guild went inactive again and this has happened around 5 times since we went inactive the first time. This has been my exp over the years with utlima online iv always been chasing that feeling I first got when I learned to pvp and when I joined my first pvp guild or when I had the chance to fight HOT on a level field but chances are ill never enjoy the game again the way I did back in the day.

I know that is a mess of a post but I honestly have very lil training in sentence structure because my school failed to really push that issue and like most kids I didnt think it was important at the time until years later when I have to do a intro it all comes out weird when I try to explain who I am. 

Character skill advancement / Re: Freddy's Poison Express
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:32:07 PM »
Pretty simple script. Put 5k regular, 7k greater, and 2k deadly poison pots in a secure. put a dagger in your pack. Must be used inside of a house that you own.

Supports auto SOA use, just place them inside your pack and set the %useSoa variable to #true on the first line of the script.

Either im blind or there is not script to download or copy in ur post, did you remove it? or am I missing something.

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