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Topics - chillbill

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello World
« on: May 07, 2015, 07:14:05 PM »

I'm a returning player, after a short 10 year break i've decided it was time to get back into it  8).

I'm exclusively playing OSI shards for the time being and im quite enjoying the new content thus far. Part of my UO experience have always included scripting. I'm also of the opinion that UO benefits from some automation due to it's vast sandbox elements. On a personal note, i've also always found scripting fun; breaking down scripts, figuring out what makes them tick and modding. Never gotten to the point where i've written anything from scratch, but i would like too.

I'm also looking to get into programming stuff, and i'm planning on trying 'learning python the hard way'. In my head it sounds like a good idea to play UO and do some scripting as a fun distraction while doing so. I tend to be introvert and it's the sort of hobbies i tend to enjoy.

mmm.. 42!

I dunno, running out of relevant information..

I will see you guys around  :)

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