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Topics - Annthrax

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello everybody :)
« on: June 02, 2018, 09:51:07 AM »

I started playing UO when it came out and played for years.
I stopped playing due to work and family things.

I tried to came back a few times but was not able to remember my information.
I found some old paperwork with my account information and started playing again.

It really sucks my different homes dropped. I had so many things that are worth so much now.
I mainly pvped when I played years ago but now I am just taming and working on crafting stuff.

I tried the new client but couldn't get into it. So classic client is still my favorite.

I have been trying to find all the programs that I used back in the day:)

I had toons on Great lakes, origin, pacific, and LS.
Now I moved most of my guys to Atlantic.

I am not really good at introductions so I hope this works.
I missed UO and really glad to be back.

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