Hi, coming back to official UO from a long hiatus, stopped playing couple of weeks afte Age Of Shadows was released back then because i simply lost all interest thanks to all the new Changes, especially the insurance System seeing i was mainly playing a thief back then and there was simply no thrill for me stealing artifacts in dungeons, i did miss the raised heartbeat and the sweaty hands while rushing off with that sweet Vanq or simply *bleep* with people by stealing healing reagants during guild fights.
My Yourney started on Catskills in early '98 before migrating to Drachenfels and later Europe where i mainly played my Thief and a Tamer. After quitting OSI i started to play on Freeshards for some time but it never really was the same. Always tried to get back into the game but the "itch" never seemed to keep on going. No matter if Outlands, Excelsior, Evolution, Paradise, Eventine, the RunUO shards, t2a you name it been there but never really stuck to a shard, as soon as i managed to get a big enoughe house and being able to solo the highest tier of treasure maps my interest fell flat.
Now ive found crafting as a new passion which brings me to why im here, gathering scripts, simple as that, mining by hand is starting to suck out the last bit of sanity i hold onto and i thought why not automate it while having a cold one and watching the 20th rerun of Stargate SG1.