Author Topic: Multi - chr PvMin semidar  (Read 7756 times)

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Multi - chr PvMin semidar
« on: May 30, 2016, 07:53:01 PM »
Just to show how 3 mage - necro - weavers run a semidar with a master / slave control script!

video doing semidar on lexia with 3 chrs:

I kept my menu off screen because im lazy and have not made it took cool yet!
I have buttons that make all chrs do that button task over and and over, if the button is " no".

wither - (if mosters around cast)
wildfire - (if mana cast)
ev's - (if followers low cast )

for targeting spells:
I have a button for target , when i click it the master chr gets a curser, what ever i target all chrs will use as last targat
fireball, word of death, lightning ect..

I got alot of other buttons but we can go over that another time

If your looking to make a multi- client script, here a few posts that might help:

Multi client/chr script templet:

hitects multi - pet healer:
