I dont do bods but guess might as well be along some lines / time needed!
How long would it take a hardcore bod'er to stock up bods for cbless deeds?
(im guessing .. a script that logs u in and gets bods and logs out ..that sounds easy )
I will probly set this up its something i can do afk ... so no big deal
here is what the bods system says u need:
http://tor.bplaced.net/bodt-lrw.htmI do love quests, since takes 5 bods maybe a 5 part quest.
Maybe some crazy npc found a way to bless clothing but requires you to be his Betch
and go get wack stuff for him .... then after 4 or 5 things .. the player gets mad and says
listen here npc .. this is BS .. give me the cbless deed ... npc laughs ... name bar turns red .. and insta kills player!
Then after you player dieing lots and lots (trying many ways to win) he figures out a trick to kill the npc.
After the npc gets to 5 htp ... he says stop stop ... im sorry ... here take this deed dont kill me!!!
So 5 parts,