I'm sure there's a TON of pretty powerful scripts out there, whether they're insane money makers, give an unfair advantage in certain aspects of the game, or just all out cruise control mode useful. I'm also pretty sure there's a lot of just generally helpful scripts, but don't really fall into the above statement, that aren't shared because people just don't see why they should bother sharing with the general public.
I've been wanting to share my work again, but it either falls into the first statement, or the second. It's not that I don't like sharing my work with others, but there's people who kind of ruin it for others I suppose, and maybe it's wrong of me to not share with anyone, because of some. On my shard, there's a lot of people who have a dislike for myself, and direct friends. Now those players also manage to convince the majority that are aligned with them, to share the same dislike, and in many cases turn it into hatred. Hand fulls of them use my scripts without knowing, and a decent amount use them knowingly. There's ones who use my scripts, have thanked me on boards in the past, but also find it necessary to call me a cheater in game (that's wording it lightly.... lol) knowing who I am, but very little about what I do (But still love to make accusations.).
So I'm at the point where "why should I share anything, that they could get their hands on?".
That's where I stand with my scripts, and the distribution of them. I'm wondering if there's a pretty decent amount of others who feel the same. I've been contemplating sharing my current project, but the only reason I can find to do so, is the help I've received here, but I'm not sure it out weighs the fact that I'd be sharing it potentially with the people who are just plain douche bags.