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Topics - mazulat

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Time to say Hi
« on: November 30, 2010, 10:04:30 PM »
Hello SUO, I'm Maz. I've been playing this monster of a game since the beginning and no matter how many times I've quit, I've always ended up coming back. So...I'm back yet again.

 I'm a crafter at heart and have run more Tank-Mules than I care to count on all the shards. I've run massive mule guilds, helped build shard recognized rune librarys, and spent the majority of my UO career training new players in haven (before Haven was destroyed and replaced with that horrible joke of a 'New Haven'). I love bods and I love resources. Hunting/killing is fun, but nothing beats burning a high end runic to get just one piece of top line gear with one of my crafters names on it.

Looking forward to seeing what SUO has to offer and to sharing some of my own projects down the line. Glad for the chance to network some of these things. Guess that's it for now...Cyaz in a bit.  :)

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