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Messages - Navaar

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New member introductions / Addicted to UO...again...
« on: May 18, 2023, 10:06:11 AM »
Hi my name is Navaar, and I'm currently living on the world of UOAlive.  Started playing originally on Napa back in the days when the only way to connect was via dialup!  I think it was '98.  After that, work got me an ISDN line (no need to know what that was) which saw more data transfer playing UO than it ever did for work.  This was back when the skill point cap was 1200 instead of 700.

At one point I was running 5 accounts, had a castle, a couple of towers, and numerous other houses.  One of the accounts was still grandfathered w/ 1 house per char. 

I finally decided to quit UO after most of my guildies had stopped playing, and Napa was really winding down.  Went on to so many other games: Asheron's Call, WoW, EQ, and a bunch of others.  None of them had a crafting system, a boating system, fishing system, nearly as good as UO's.  What they had was graphics (more-or-less).  Played WoW for a LONG time, until I was tired of 'the same ol' grind'.  Pretty much stopped gaming altogether for a bit.

Then I decided to see what it felt like to be back in UO.  Was able work with OSI to get my accounts figured out, and get logged in as Endless Journey.  One problem was that I had a bunch of accounts, but only a char or two on each that I played.  Re-subscribing all of them just wasn't worth it, although I did, primarily to drain off the gold to the main accounts.  Re-upped on a couple of the accounts, but I still felt hampered, and Napa is pretty quiet.  Searched around, and UOAlive seemed like it might make a good place to call home.  Secondary skills don't count towards the 700 point cap, and some other things that had always irked me about OSI seemed to have been tweaked to not be as annoying.

Been there for over a year, although I've only been spending a lot of time in game since January.  Like anywhere, there are minor things I don't care for, but it's been a great experience! 

Near the end of my time on Napa, I was running the Enhanced Client; so that's what I started using when I started playing again.  Then about 2 months ago I spent a weekend playing around with ClassicUO (TazUO edition) and Razor Enhanced.  What a difference!  Absolutely love some of the features of RE and scripts!

I'm continuing on my search for better ways to do monotonous tasks, which is why I'm here. 

So is this better than "Hi, my name is Joe, and I play UO..."?    8)

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