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Messages - Coragin

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UO-Related Tutorials / Re: How To: Whammy Boss Solos!
« on: June 17, 2009, 04:02:49 AM »
Reserved for Champs

UO-Related Tutorials / Re: How To: Whammy Boss Solos!
« on: June 17, 2009, 04:01:44 AM »
Chief Proximio

Did him today, this is what I learned. Getting the keys is easy minus the liver from stinker boy.  Again, I always have my stealth mage with me to res me if needed.  I died three times getting his liver and lost my regs to him.  He will regenerate FAST, so if you die, you want to get back in the fight ASAP!  Once you have all the keys, honor and run to the cauldron and get your stuff that will allow you to cross the river and face proximo.

Before you enter, again, honor yourself, head in there will be the Chief and three green plague lord type things.  Lure them away, Enemy of One and kill them before you take on the chief.  Once they are dead, I suggest you wait for honor again before you set up to fight chief.

Always the same things with peerless, Honor them, Enemy of One, Curse Weapon, fight...

This guy hits HARD sometimes, but most of the time its a breeze.  He moves ultra slow, so dont be prideful and die when you could have pulled off to heal.  He to me seemed like a longer fight than dreadhorn, but I dont know for sure as I dont time things, I always forget. 

Keep your refresh pots handy for this fight, he drops Sta ALOT.  Also, its VERY IMPORTANT you keep counter strike up as it will save your sorry ass.  With my instructions in the first post along with what you got here, you should be able to kill him easy.

UO-Related Tutorials / Re: How To: Whammy Boss Solos!
« on: June 17, 2009, 04:01:02 AM »
Reserved for Grizzle

UO-Related Tutorials / Re: How To: Whammy Boss Solos!
« on: June 17, 2009, 04:00:32 AM »
Reserved for Lady Mel

UO-Related Tutorials / Re: How To: Whammy Boss Solos!
« on: June 17, 2009, 04:00:06 AM »
Reserved for Travesty

UO-Related Tutorials / Re: How To: Whammy Boss Solos!
« on: June 17, 2009, 03:59:14 AM »

In comparison to Dark Fathers, this guy is a push over.  It is honestly harder to get the keys than it is to kill him. First you need to head to the swamp side, on the way pick up the two keys you will need that are laying on the ground, one is blighted cotton, the other I forget the name, but it looks like redish branches.  Head your way to gnaw, hes in the cave at the end of the desert streach.  He is a total wimp, paragon dire wolves are harder.  Get as many keys as you want off of him.  He is also a named, so has a chance to drop ML arties if you want to farm for a little while.

After gnaw comes the hard part, getting irks brain.  Irk himself is not hard, nor is any changeling by themselves.  Its Guile and the other named ones there.  What I usually do since I have a second account with a stealth mage is have her stealth down to south of where you pout the keys in the statue and wait there.  Honor past everything and join my mage.  I just keep mage hidden, even if she times out, just there to res anyways.  I head north and get all the keys needed one at a time.  Its time consuming and I am reckless cause I know if I die, I have a res bot there.  Another way would be honor and grab Irk killing his ass as many times as you can during honor.  That works well if you have a 5 min honor going with Enemy of One.  To max out honor, I suggest killing thrasher in Mels home.  Give a tone of fame and karma and easy kills.  Gnaw might be the same way, I dont know.

After you got your keys, turn them in and refresh everything you need, like pig irons, refresh pots, agility pots and str pots.  I keep all of those on me.  When you are ready to go in, honor yourself so you are not attacked, head in, enemy of one, honor dreadhorn, curse weapon and get ready to sit and chill for awhile once you attack, its a long fight.  Follow my first posts rules on what abilities to use and your golden.  He will knock your stamina down, so be prepared to chug.  Never mind the poison obviously curse weapon heals through it.

If you can kill Dark Fathers, this guy is a punk.

UO-Related Tutorials / Re: How To: Whammy Boss Solos!
« on: June 17, 2009, 03:58:45 AM »

Im sure everyone has done doom from time to time, so I wont talk about the minis, lets talk dark father!

First, you need to know, he is a necro and will cast that blood oath or what ever that necro spell is that causes you to take damage for hitting him.  THIS WILL KILL YOU!  If you do not remove curse.

For the fight, you will want to honor yourself, run up to him, honor him and Enemy of One and Curse Weapon.  Then attack his ass!  Pull him down the hall leading to the second room, there is a spot that is two tiles deep where it can be you and him toe to toe.  No unholy bones will reach you, no other undead spawn can reach you.  Just pray he dont spawn liches, those assholes will do the before mentioned blood oath to you as well as pain strikes.  They are quite annoying.

For Dark Father, I used a blackthorn kryss demon slayer.  And I did him with that ML swords artie, Soul Something (see my signature) I forgot the name.  With him, you may need to use evade, but standard rules apply, keep counter strike up.  Confidence helps a bit too.  Dark Fathers are funny as some are total pussies and others will kick your butt!  I dont know why, maybe its the spawn that they pop up that casts on you, maybe its unlucky rolls with the blood oath casting.  Either way, at least they dont regenerate, so if you die, res up and go back at it.

I suggest bringing in a packy or beetle and putting it in the healers room or reg sellers room.  Have extra regs and pots in there as skeletal knights and *bleep* lichs will take your regs ALL THE TIME!

But always go prepared with extra stuff, since you are there, might as well kill a few of them right?

UO-Related Tutorials / How To: Whammy Boss Solos!
« on: June 17, 2009, 03:58:15 AM »
This is going to be my first in a long line of walkthroughs for taking down champs and peerless.   I will spruce up bold text and color when I am not so lazy lol.

Basic Whammy controls, for lack of a better word.  Skills to use and when.

You will always be using lightning strike, it is what heals you, the more damage you do, the more you get healed.  Here is a short check list for things to do during the fight.

1. ALWAYS HONOR your target!  <<This is VERY Important>> Perfection increases damage.
2. Always use Enemy of One, this give you more damage.
3. Every single round of attack make sure lightning strike is ready to fire.
4. Before the fight, make sure you case curse weapon!!!  This is how you sap life!!
5. Make sure to recast Curse Weapon as often as needed BEFORE it expires!
6. Carry Protection scrolls!!  I cannot stress this enough!  Always have Protection up!!  You wont fizzle or get interrupted!
7. Use the Bushido skill Counter Attack!  Make sure it is always up!  You may also use Confidence if you like that.
8. If things get hairy!  Use Evasion.

So far I have soloed Doom Gauntlet and Dreadhorn.  I will write write ups as soon as I can in this thread.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:20:04 PM »
Okay for my Sampire so far this is what I have...

Mace 120
Tactics 115
Bushido 110
Necro 100
Spirit Speak 100
Chiv 80

Thats leaving me about 100 points to use....suggestions?  I know whammy now, but Samp is new, should I use parry?  Or anatomy?  Is spirit speak needed?  Help please lol.

Player Templates / Re: How to play a Whammy??? Bush wise...
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:09:26 PM »
Thanks guys, that helps a lot!  Now I know why I was dying, not cause of my gear or anything, was not knowing what to do exactly lol.

So I should always keep Evade and Counter Attack up then right?

What peerless and champs have you guys soloed?

Player Templates / Re: How to play a Whammy??? Bush wise...
« on: June 13, 2009, 05:44:16 PM »
So go like this basicly?

Evasion (when it runs out)

ect ect?

also is Dreadhorn easier than DF?

Player Templates / How to play a Whammy??? Bush wise...
« on: June 13, 2009, 04:54:57 PM »
Okay, so DF kickin my butt and I figured I would post hre and ask.  Forgive me my spelling and grammar and probably memory today if this was answered already.

I do the following....

Honor DF
Run him to the two tile deep spot near room 2 so I only fight him.
Have my tamer off to the side cutting bones on a script (keep getting must wait to perform another action btw)
ConsecrateW UP
CurseW always up
Then lightning strike over and over.

Mana is not the problem here, nor is gear.  I asked earlier in chat about confidence and evade...

When do I use them to be effective?  Should I run CEO's healer for chuggin gheals, trefresh and grapes?

Basicly what is the order you guys do things in?  Im getting owned by 50%, which I think is damn good for a guy who plays a tamer and first boss im trying to fight.  BTW I stomp the asses out of the room bosses.  Minus the ones without mana.

So....should I



Im a bit lost lol

Also, what peerless and champ spawns would you guys consider EASIER than DF?  I was thinking of trying Dreadhorn since I find getting the keys easy.  I know Mel and Travisty are easier than a DF.

please help me with when I should use evade and confidence, up till now, I havent been using them at all and I am SURE that is why I am dying.

General UO Chat / Whammy Bosses? Which are easy, which not? Why?
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:28:49 PM »
Well after killing two DF the other night, I decided the DF are a hard boss to start with.  So, what bosses are easy and not that hard, compared to real hard?

Shimmering Effusion
Dark Father


Lord Oaks
The TW Glade Centuar (provoke and peace ick)

I have only fought DF Mel and DH.  I know getting to Dreadhorn is easy, compared to getting to Shimmering and Grizzle.  So as far as difficulty of the actual boss fights, what would you guys say?  I rank Dark Father as one of the hardest, due to necro spells and spawn adds.  So, shimmering will probably be similar, but Im guessing easier if theres no necro spells.  So what would you guys rank as easy to hard and why?

I am trying to figure out my suit, but as far as what properties are needed and which arent needed so much.  So, whats most important?

Defense Chance Increase (I would think this is most important)
Hit Chance Increase (I Would think this second most important, but lightning strike can also negate it, right?)
Damage Increase (I would think this third to have on a suit, cause you mostly have it on weapons)
Lower Mana Cost (Not needed so much as you are a whammy)
Lower Reagent Cost (Cant hurt if its given)
Swing Speed Increase (Always welcomed)

Hit point Increase
Mana Increase
Stamina Increase

Now for item properties questions.  Does slayer and or Enemy of One max out the Damage increase property?

Does the Chiv spell the swing speed one, does that max out SSI?

Now, while fighting Dark Father the other night, I was getting my ass whooped after like 20% HP.  I was EOO, Honor, Lightning strike, lasted a while, but eventually I was always dying.  What is that spell he is casting on me that causes me to damage myself when I hit him?  And how do I get around it?

Got another post coming regarding DF and peerless.

Questing / Re: Donate-o-Matic (for library and museum donations)
« on: June 11, 2009, 07:07:02 PM »
Hey C2,

Any way you can add spined leather to this for Brittan turn in?  Same as ingots (Master of Trades)

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