Scripting Resources & Utilities > ScriptUO Questions and Answers

How do I get this to work?

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I'm hoping I put this on the right topic forum.

I've searched the site best I could to find a tutorial on how to run the program to no avail  :(  Could some one please point me in the right direction?  I've used EasyUO a very long time ago and I find myself lost in the sauce with no spoon trying to remember.

Thank you all in advance

What part of it are you having a issue with? The play portion of it is not enabled, its used for a script development tool.

ScriptUO won't actually run the scripts.  SUO is meant for development of scripts.  It's more like an editor that's custom made for EUO syntax, plus has a few editor features I've found very useful from many editors I've used over the years.

Ok cool.  So I suppose the next question would be...  How do I get the scripts from the public library to work for me?  Did I download the wrong file?

Thank you all in advance for helping

Right now you probably can't because EUO needs to patch to be compatible with the latest version of the UO client.  Just wait until EUO patches, then patch your UO up to the latest version and things should work fine. (mostly).


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