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Messages - whtedrgn

Pages: [1]
IDOC tools / Re: Timbo Slice's IDOC Timer v1.00
« on: November 04, 2012, 05:28:14 PM »
I am testin the script out now and it detected the status properly (YAY! :) ) but the last toggle time stays the same as the start time for me... so i dont know if it is actively checking or not. I will see if the status changed in the morning and if it catches it.

Thanks for the script man!

EDIT: Nevermind, im just impatient :P the default timer is set to 600 seconds so it didnt update until it ran for 10 mins. I cut it down to 1 min and it appears to be working properly :)

New member introductions / F N G in the house!
« on: November 03, 2012, 09:42:46 PM »
Hey guys, my name is Cody. I started playing UO when renaissance came out and I was in junior high. I got a few of my friends to play back then and they still play to this day haha.

I started on OSI playing on Pacific and test servers. I always tried to get the house right outside of moonglow or to be friended/coowned there because it was PK central. I loved playing on OSI until AOS came out and added all the magic attributes to the weaps/armors.

At that point it was basically whoever bought the best crap on ebay killed everyone else, so I started playing free servers on Sphere, Krios client, and Runuo. I played those for a couple years and got bored of the game in 2005 and quit.

My friend that I introduced to the game recently talked me into coming back so I play on Uogamers Hybrid and do a lot of IDOC hunting with my friend and found this site and am excited to see what you guys have come up with.

It's going to take me a while to get used to the new style of pvp with stunning/pots/bolas/weapons all at the same time but it's all very interesting to me.

Lookin forward to chatting with you guys!

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