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Topics - UgliCupcakez

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hiyas!
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:24:45 AM »
Greetings UO-lings!  :P

My husband and I both play this game, mostly on asian shards. Heh, tbh UO was mi first online game I've ever played, like they say u can never forget ur first. Well, here I am back at it after drifting off from a 2yr break, started playing from AOS so yeah pretty much a tram baby n loving it, hehe. The first thing that ever got me intrigued in UO were plants, yes plants, and then housing, so after coming back from my time-off, I started the tedious task of collecting plant seeds all over again from scratch (still at it). I'm planning on opening a plant shop someday. But this time hopefully I have help from u guys here!  :D  I also love to play wif housing, crafts and pretty much anything that can be done in tram.  :P
I'm no good wif scripts sadly, the only C code language I can understand is HTML but just half of it, hehe. Wish I could understand how to write scripts then I can write the one script I've always wanted ever since I loved planting someday but I'm afraid it's too much to ask (and a bit silly, hehe) so I'll make do with now.  :)

Looking forward to being a part of the community.


Quiz: What's an Ugly Cupcake called?  ;)

Scripting Chat / Plant retiring scripts?
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:19:11 PM »
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me wif a script that retires plants to deco mode from the tons of plants I've locked down on the ground. All I want is to clip them!

I have searched and tried available scripts but they all seem to be too old to work and I'm not sure how to tweak it. There is one on EUO site called Jade_Orchid's plant converter that could've done the job for me but it doesnt seem to work as the plant gump just opens up and do nothing. If anyone can help me look into it I would be grateful.

Otherwise a simple script that just helps me turn plants into deco mode from a bag or from the ground locked down is fine too. I can use UOA to clip the plants from my bagpack from there.

Thanks guys!

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