Scripting Resources & Utilities > OpenEUO Scripts

[OUO] Gimme more Imbuing Powerscrolls! by Crome

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Hello Community,

Following the wish of HardY of I wrote a small Script just to do that Quest at Ter Mur Royal City Soulforge.


--- Code: ---dofile(getinstalldir().."Init.Lua")
--- End code ---
I use my own Collection of Library file. You need to get Kal in Ex Finditem Lib
and Change this line like Kal in Ex suggest in his Script.

--- Code: ---QuestID = 0 --If you dont know do 0
--- End code ---
if you always run same Guy you can insert his ID else just leave it as 0 and use Setup of script.

--- Code: ---QuestItemID = 11698
-- 11697 Magical Residue
-- 11698 Enchanced Essence
-- 11699 Relic Fragments
--- End code ---
Just enter Type of the Item you need for your Wanted Script.
The 3 Types u can use are under that line in the comment "--"

Then just press Play and wait..

Does script Restock or sort?
-No, just a simple questmaker.
I gaved my Char 2 times 500 essences and it needet about 15 seconds to fullfill 20 Times that Quest. Then i used Scrollbinder and had a 120 Imbuing in just 15Seconds!!

Have Fun!
Kind Regards


I just created a new mule character on a different shard.  When it is time for imbuing I will have to fire this up to get me a scroll.

=) thanks, now i just need search for a way to auto restock.


--- Quote from: HardY- on August 05, 2011, 03:33:32 PM ---=) thanks, now i just need search for a way to auto restock.

--- End quote ---
3 Cases:
First : you Implement an Easyuo script what checks your backpack and autorestock from beetle when you are going under 100 of a stack
Second: You wait until i finished my Revision on Heartwood Kit Maker with Finditem autorestock Imbuing Scoring etc. And use the functions for Openuo to autorestock(or maybe i will implent then)
Third : Code your own Code for it with recall etc for Openuo:)

Anyone have numbers on how many of each resource is used per 120 scroll?


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