Thx 12TimesOver for the script. Proud owner of GM carpenter as of today
Heres the review
I purchased 32.7 skill from a NPC.
Setup with the following options:
- tinkering: yes (gm)
- hiding: no
- !sWait i changed to 15 to avoid 'wait to perform action' messages
1) First time i used the setup i had melisande's axe equipped, targetted the axe in my paperdoll
-> at first it would create crates, filling up the backpack, then the crates would fall to the ground
-> but then it switched to tables and then the gump keeps saying that the backpack is full
-> pauzing and placing the axe in the backpack fixed it, it then starts deleting the items
2) The script has pauzed several times for me telling me i have ran out of wood whilst i had plenty in my secure. I must admit that i have been putting the strain on my internet connection so i highly suspect this to be the reason and not the script
3) Script could probably be made faster. One thing i noticed is the delay between crafting items, it seems to reset the gump instead of using make last? I'm not sure as i have been running this script pretty much unattended
If you want, i'll investigate this bit further this weekend.
4) Maybe make "Tetsubo" as last item on the way to GM (after making wild staff's). Uses less wood & gives better gains at the end.
Great script