If you're a member of EasyUO.com, and you find this script useful then please take a moment to rate it! Visit http://www.easyuo.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=393352 to do so.
This script will no longer be updated. I no longer play OSI, nor do I use EUO (Or any variation of it) anymore.
; A lame script written for lame stuff
; Script Name: LAME
; Author: dxrom
; Version: 3.0
; Client Tested with: EA
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 Version 201
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Public Release: 5-29-2011
; Revision Date: 9-18-2011
; Purpose: A semi-automated sampire assitance utility.
; REQUIRES EN's ScanBuffBar script!
; Downloaded at http://www.scriptuo.com/index.php?topic=1508.0
; How2:
; 1. Login to sampire
; 2. Load script and hit Play (Make sure ScanBuffBar.txt is located in the same folder)
; 3. Follow onscreen instructions
; 4. ???
; 5. PROFIT! :D
; NOTES: I find that the best place in which to hold my
; cursor during the setup, is on the EDGES of the spell icons, I switch
; weapons, so it allows the special abilities to be interchangeable.
; MANA! It assumes that you have a MANALEECH WEAPON (Which you SHOULD)
; and when you reach 25 mana (an amount that is superceded in chain
; special abilities against single target victims) and will switch back
; to your special abilities once your mana has been replenished!
;%manaLvl changes when LS is
;used, I use LS to regen mana.
;%stamPercMod is the stamina
;percentage modifier. Change
;this to represent at what
;percentage your stamina must
;be before the script uses
;Divine Fury.
;%safety is works basically as
;an FCR timer to prevent over-
;casting, or the script from
;trying to cast two or more
;spells at the same time.
;%L0GOUT set this false if you
;do not want this script to
;automatically log you out on
;death, it is implemented to
;save mounts, 100% of sampires
;should have this set #true
;because 100% of sampires
;should be riding swampies.
set %manaLvl 20
set %stamPercMod 40
set %safety 2
set %L0GOUT #true
I wrote this for some guildmates of mine. This will be my first release of any script, it is also one of the first scripts I have ever made. Please note that the basic structure and idea of this utility derived from Maddog's Medic, so credit goes to him. This is a actually a fairly primitive version (and script in general, I understand) of one the I actually use, which does much more; however I do not feel comfortable releasing that one publicly yet.
Let me know how this works for you, please understand that I am still fairly new to programming in general, however I will help in any way I can and do my utmost best to resolve any issues encountered!
Apparently some people close their status bars, and easyuo doesn't like that! Some folks were having an issue with abilities not working, this is because I have them setup to be used against checks, for example if #mana > X... The script wasn't able to actually determine what your mana was at, so it just skipped over it, using Cerveza's advice (thank you for this!) I was able to fix this issue. Now, try and close your status bars, I dare you!
Major changes to how EOO is timed (now uses EN's ScanBuffbar, instead of relying a timer)
No longer need to pause when relogging or losing connection, it hit me in the middle of the night, I wrote a loop that the script only enters when #clilogged = 0 and doesn't leave that loop until you're logged back in.
Major revamp of multiple functions. Added Raziel's logout sub (Thanx b@ndito) so when the sampire dies, it will be logged out in order to save the mount. I understand that the percentage check for enemy of one isn't working correctly, at the moment I am trying to figure out how to make easyuo set a variable by performing an algorithm. Edited the LS function a little bit, it should now check for weapons that have Whirlwind abilities, and be sent to their correct abilities. I did this because I really hated when I was doing a spawn, get mana vamped while trying to aoe things down, and the script would LS instead of whirlwind to get mana back.
Completely updated how the attack loop functions. Script will no longer spam abilities and spells unless mobs classified under %target are near. Also updated to work with new ScanBuffBar.
Endless Night
(Seriously, without any of you guys, this script wouldn't be where it is right now.)