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Messages - Randal

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I am here to announce the beginning of our recruitment process for The Golden Fang Casino!  As of late, my partners and I find ourselves overwhelmed with the turnout at our Casino.  Our last event consisted of over 50 active attendees, an EM and TONS of action.  We're looking for active players of varying commitment levels to join our ranks of dealers, gaters, actors and security.  This Casino IS ROLEPLAY, but not the "Nazi" roleplay that some have experienced in other RP scenarios.  We use these facilities to promote roleplay in an open environment with no real restrictions to our patrons.  The Casino staff does role play "vampires", although, we are very flexible with your persona, as long as it fits vampiric tendancies.  IE:  There's no such thing as a neon pink flying vampire that spits flowers and farts flames!  :o

Most positions are PAID via in game gold.  We don't ask you to dedicate time without reward.  Also, you'll receive support from some of the shard's finest crafters, tamers, mages etc etc. 

Each candidate will be interviewed in game and via Ventrilo.  Ventrilo is a requirement, as it's the only way to communicate once the Casino is running at full force and a major way we get a feel for a person's character.  Some positions handle upwards of 20 or 30 million gold in the game at a time and it's vital that we know and can trust possible dealers.

If you're interested, please contact me via Replying to this post, PMing me or ICQing me at  644946533.

I look forward to speaking with any of you that may be interested!

Randal/Suicidal Kings
The Golden Fang Casino

New member introductions / Re: A little introduction...
« on: January 11, 2012, 06:42:58 AM »

Lol, she sounds lovely.  But I kid though.  At this point in my life, the measurements can be 26/36/46 as long as she's a nice person and not crazy as about 99% of them are.

One enterprising member a while back here at SUO sent me a picture of his wifes cleavage.  No pressure.... ROFL!

Anyhow, welcome to the site.

Haha no pressure felt!   :D  I agree with the lack of crazy!  Mine's crazy, but it's a good crazy so we work!



Welcome to the crew.

Another thanks!

Welcome to the madness!


This is blasphemy!  THIS IS SPARTA!   Thanks :D

Welcome to the site and as always do not be a stranger and someday when I am on your shard I will have to check out the casino.

You aught to drop by!  Anyone is welcome to come have a look, just let me know so I can make myself available to give you a full tour!

Welcome to the community


New member introductions / Re: A little introduction...
« on: January 05, 2012, 09:37:05 PM »
Welcome Randal! :)

How do these casino's work anyways?

I've seen the runes all over Atlantic?

What games of chance are there? How does it work?

Ah!  They work great actually!  Our particular Casino runs three types of Gaming.  First of all, we have slot machines.  The basis of the slot machines are simple.  There is a locked box located by a particular vendor and this vendor has a pack full of keys.  Purchase the key that unlocks the box and win the prize.  These run day in and day out at our casino.  Second, we have dice tables. 

The games are as follows:
BTB - Beat the bank.  Dealer rolls first.  Player second.  The goal is to beat the dealer's score without rolling a seven for a win.
HL -  High/Low.  Dealer gives a selection of three betting options.  High, low or seven.  Seven is an auto loss unless it's bet on.  Below seven is "low".  Above seven is "high".  Bet correctly and win.
BJ - Blackjack.  Just like playing a hand of black jack.  You roll, the points totaling for each roll with the option to hit or stay.  Then the dealer rolls and tries to hit.  Over 21 bust!
CK - Chuck.  Player or players at the table bet on numbers 1 - 6.  Once bets are placed, dealer rolls.  Roll your number WIN, Roll one of the  two dice as your number, win at 1:1 odds.  Roll two of your number on one roll (IE: 3+3=6 and your bet was three) win 2:1
CP - Craps.  Two rolls, seven is Craps.  11 or 12 is an instant win.  Second roll must beat the first roll for a win.
SIX - Six.  Three rolls by the dealer.  One roll out of three equaling six is a winner.

Third and last but not least CHICKEN FIGHTS!  There's direct betting on the chicken, side bets, house bets... the list goes on.

It's alot to go over in a simple quote response, but you get the jist.  If you ever have any questions or would like a personal tour in RP of the facilities including our night club and a few free games to get your feet wet, shoot me a message and we'll arrange a visit.


Yes, I let you languish because you teased us with measurements.  ;)

But ultimately your intro was top notch, so I was guilty and approved it. 

Hope you enjoy the site!  Guitar solos are always welcome here.

Alright alright... She's 5'4", red head with hazel eyes.  34/26/34  Pale with tattoos.  I'm not kidding or lying to make myself seem cool either... * shifty eyes *   :-\

Thanks for the approval!

Great read!  Thx for stopping by and introducing yourself.  See you on yhe boards

Thanks!  I try, I do a bit of writing for my guild and we're pretty serious about our RP and the events we hold!

ANYONE ON ATLANTIC!  We're holding an all night event this Saturday!  Gambling, give aways, a fully written and produced play featuring the editor in chief from the Yew Times.  6pm Est. - 12am Est. Jan. 7th.  Gates will be up in Luna and runes/books are EVERYWHERE!

New member introductions / A little introduction...
« on: January 05, 2012, 07:30:43 PM »
What's up ya'll?  I'm Randal, or at least that's what I call myself in this pseudo realm, in which we spend as much or time living in as we do sleeping in the real world, Ultima Online.  I've played on and off since '99 and have always tinkered with scripting but have never really been successful.  "I CAN'T CHANGE THE @#$ING VALUE TO 1 INSTEAD OF 2!  WHAT THE #@@#!! *presses pause button on EasyUO*  Oh...  Damn..."  Yea, I'm that guy... That newb, that epic fail guy.  All in all, I hope joining here with help me find some scripts that aren't broken, the advice and knowledge to fix ones that are and possibly the ability to write some of my own one day.  (In my freaking favorite dream!  HAH!)

I play a variety of characters, from tamers to archers to dexxers to necro mages to some weird mix of skills that's useless for anything other than polymorph harassment...  * shrugs *  I really enjoy RP, from dead serious hardcore RP to running around acting like a rabid rabbit at a tavern night.  I play on the Atlantic shard and I'm a member of V|O (The Vampiric Order) and The Golden Fang Casino, at which I'm a dealer.  Good stuff, you aught to come by if you're on Atlantic and spend a few mil  ;)

In the real world, I'm a guitarist and singer for a rock band, have a beautiful fiance (wife in March, 23rd to be exact) who's measurements are......... :-X

Muahaha!  No measurements for you!

Anyways, look forward to chatting it up with you guys n' gals and learning the ways of the script (Jedi hovers)

Randal (JD)

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